A 13 boy in my area stabbed and killed a 53 old man, all because - TopicsExpress


A 13 boy in my area stabbed and killed a 53 old man, all because he told him he couldnt come into a secure block of flats. Now tell me why a boy 13 is carrying a knife, his cycle of puberty most likely hasnt kicked in as yet but something has gone on for him to be like this.. I had to give the man wifes killed in the attack a hug as she lay a reef by the site he died.. She could barely stand up because she was stricken with so much grief this had happened to her love one, she even had 2 people on both arms holding her up.. This boy needed to see what hes done and how hes destroy trust in his own community.. I thought of it being used as part of his rehabilitation because he needs to see this and then counselling to get him back for when hes release from wherever they will put him in..Right away I started thinking why??? Why are the government not taking to correct measures to stop this. Then on top of all things, parliament said the councils in our areas should make more cutbacks to stretch the services available for youths to have a youth club, a elderly person to go to an elderly club.. Its not good bottom line. I thought of a manifest to curb violence within teenagers, I can easily write it and handed it to MP but what the hell, I cant make that change. The change has come within each and every household.. That boy is probably lock up in a cell thinking what have I done, my life is now finished.. Could it of been prevented, yes it could of been.. We need to get into the schools, we need to open a section into social services to help with these troubled young boys and have a mentor, we need more sports so they can release their energy into.. WE NEED U THE GOVERNMENT TO HELP US LOOK AFTER THESE CHILDREN BEFORE ITS TO LATE.. Help us and you will see a change.. We dont want to hear how good the economy is doing, its all a cover up to the working class man.. Most of u guys are born with a silver spoon in your mouth and dont know what the hell that goes on with a working class family.. This is why no one trust u to help us.. Why vote!!! So we can see another idiot screw us and thinking they are helping us.. The people who I respected while growing up, JFK, Martin Luther KIng and Malcolm X was all assassinated.. WE NEED LEADERS OF MEN.. O yes!!! U KILL OUR LEADERS AS WELL.. But it wont change me from being good to mankind.. As I always said; Love thy neighbour.. Stick and stones may break my bones but names will not hurt me because my God has given me the strength to overcome and I will see the Glory of Light..
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:09:10 +0000

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