A BROTHER IN THE LORD SHARE THIS AND I THOUGHT IT WAS SO WORTH SHARING TOO! GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND ENJOY THE DAY THE LORD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH! GOD IS SO GOOD! Rocky Tidd 35 minutes ago · Living Life Life is not a race – but a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosey. Say “thank you”, “I love you”, and “great job” to someone each day. Go to church, take time for prayer. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Love your life and what you have been given, it is not accidental – search for your purpose and do it as best as you can. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to be. Laugh often. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Do not worry, less wrinkles are more becoming. Forgive, it frees the soul. Take time for yourself – plan for longevity. Recognize the special people you’ve been blessed to know. Live for today, enjoy the moment. Bonnie L. Mohr My wife purchased a lovely picture of a big oak tree with fog and dimly seen trees in the back ground. And a fence with a gate at the base of the tree. Clouds with a somewhat gray sky, not rainy but more like just a foggy morning sky. The above words are written below the painting (print). I find it stunning and soothing. What great wisdom. I am going to ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in a message for our local body on this. I believe we all need to spend more time on living life and not running the rat race. So many just living to work rather than working to live. This world does all it can to keep us from our lives. We focus on money way too much. We have come to believe the lie that we need to have more money to enjoy life. I believe we just need to look at what makes life, friends and family. Even our pets. I see people who own dogs and they are chained up 50 yards behind their homes on a 8-10 foot chain, with a little dog house (sometimes). I think to myself why have dogs just to have it chained up in the back yard somewhere. How much time is really spent with the animal? Then I think of children and how much time do we really spend with them. Do we sit at the table and eat and talk with one another about our day. How much time is spent with our families, really? If we don’t spend time with our families, how much time do we really spend with friends that should matter? How do we look at ourselves? Do we still dream today, and actually believe we can attain them. Do we really trust in the finished work of Jesus and the cross, or are we trying so hard to be all spiritual and holy that we don’t really have time to enjoy what He gave us, freedom and life more abundant. Do we look to lift another up who is down or do we stay so focused on self and attaining all we can get instead. Can we honestly sit and enjoy a cup of coffee? I mean enjoy the taste of it, or as the saying goes “stop and smell the roses”. We really need to make our lives a little simpler and I believe we will enjoy it more. What do you think? Look at your life and be honest. Is it really worth all the hustle and bustle to get ahead, to get more is this really life? God bless you all and have a wonderful day.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:27:36 +0000

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