A Call For Sahih Iman- It is well known that the real Muslims - TopicsExpress


A Call For Sahih Iman- It is well known that the real Muslims are facing many problems even they all have the expert mind to wipe out the problems but It is Allah who helps them time to time so live in Sahih Iman. The system of Dajjal is very strong but I assure you that it can never ever be shake iota the Iman of Sahih Momin, so make your Iman strong reading the Surah Al- Kahef on every Friday at least memorize 7 initial verses of it Insha Allah you will be save in Iman. We see mostly organisations and our clerics Illa Masha Allah entering into politics like water flow and it makes their character very controversy and they try to spread Sahih Iman but cant because every morning they face lots of personals queries and the associated Sahih member sake of Sahih Iman leave them alone with their greedy and puppet followers. It very true but we all time live alone or become a thread of it. Many of them start accusing such newly politicians and the worlk of Sahih Iman divided in many parts hardly 98% stops and 1 percent work on rest 1% live very aloof from this all being frustrate or irritate. But the mission of Satan/Salafis/Ikhwans/Wahhabis/Dajjal never ever stops it work continuously. I give you one example- We watch media and print media which is the strongest source in India to brainwash everyone. In recent weeks Modi factor was very influencive because he has controlled many channels only the media was showing his image very innocent and the Massiaha for India Astaghfirullah. on the other hand Congress party which is hidden against of Muslims makes very powerful plan for its betterment, Do you not see that the AAP party is Congress B party. Its working for Congress. I am watching to Muslims how quickly they are joining AAP. I would like to ask you one question, please reply me. Have you not singed before Apostle of Allah Muhammad Sallahu Alehiwasallam that we accepted Islam? The system of Khilafat-e- Rashida is not better than these politics? Are you not happy Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alehiwasallam known as all time your leader in all affairs? When Allah has been provided you a best platform Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamat/ Suwade Azam even you deserve better than it? do you want to challenge him? You are to think the decision is in your hand, your future hereafter is also in your hand what you want to be. Salafis and Wahhabis always remained successful making gimmicks in front of world but they are not aware the wrath of Allah see what happened with Saudis. After destruction of Islamic heritages they are known as worlds worst creatures. Now we should remind the time of The war of Badr, where the Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alehiwasallam said, It is in Hadith - Abu Talha (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) reported: On the day of the Battle of Badr Allahs Apostle (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) ordered that the bodies of twenty-four leaders of the Quraish be thrown into one of the foul, abandoned wells of Badr. On the third day after the battle, the Prophet(صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) called for his mount and saddled it. Then he set out, so his companions followed him. They said amongst themselves, He must be going to something important. When the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) arrived at the well, he stood at its edge and began addressing those therein by calling upon them by their names, O so and so, Son of so and so; and You, so and so, Son of so and so! Would it not have been easier to have obeyed Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی)and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) ? We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true. Did you find what your Lord promised you to be true? Thereupon Umar (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) said, O Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), what are you saying to these bodies without souls?! Do they hear? For Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی) says, Verily, you cannot make the dead hear. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) answered, By Him in whose hand lies the soul of Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم), you did not hear better than them what I just said. (Bukhari and Muslim). It is true Our Ahle Sunnah Organisations helped in the campaign and many brother and sister joined hands and helped Ahle Sunnah campaign but these Salafis never hear Ahle Sunnah like those Kafir during Badr War, so they have seen. But we should not be silent that they have been exposed and can not come again take more lessons from Badr War, The wars did not stops after the Badr War but also happened very Planed like The War of Ohad etc and specially Karbala. So these like minded will never be sit silent they are coming to us in the form of Ikhwanul Muslimeen ( Muslim Brotherhood). Qatar is one of the country which has the highest economy in the world and it is going to fund Ikhwan to Ikhwanize( Salafize) the Ahle Sunnah in the world and Continental India is the first of their mission. Their Planning has been started in Delhi and U.P and I have investigated many thing in them. Their plan is big for coming time it is long duration plan up to 15 years by making their infrastructures in different sectors The Zionists are trying never ever happen problem which they may have exposed this like in the deal with Saudia. They will not remind single mistake as they did with Saudia and now they may have broken all relation to Saudia but for it Saudia is not agree to cancel the deal for it Saudia spent 2 Billion rupees but for good deal with these Zionists Qatar spent 7 Billion approximately. In this deal Saudia and Qatar has become real enemy in the matter of worldly fame but the belief of both are same Salafi belief. This was the reason the fighting between ( Deobandi and Nadvi) both are hard core Wahhabi, Arshad Madni deobandi and Salman Husain Nadvi. Arshad Madni is in the support of Saudia and Salman Husain Nadvi inviting Ikhwan in India and will help them in their mission. It is not good to open the names but Insha Allah some brothers must write on it and soon published I have spoken them it is the need of time. One Interesting thing is there that Ikhwanul Muslimeen founded in 1920 by Hasan Manna who is the Ahle Sunnah Sufi but Dr Mursi is a hardcore Salafi they are using both picture in their mission so that one side they can cover Ahle Sunnah in the name of Hasan Manna on the other hand they are covering Salafis in the name of Dr. Mursi. We hope Allah will help all of us as He always did against these monster sky idol worshipers. Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 09:18:19 +0000

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