A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF MORAL, LOGICAL AND LINGUISTIC DEBILITIES A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF MORAL, LOGICAL AND LINGUISTIC DEBILITIES [ADAPTED FROM FACEBOOK ON JANUARY 2, 2015] Alie Formeh Kamara, My favorite Borbor Pain, and source of unlimited comic relief (that means I think you are always good for a laugh, my unserious friend, lol), I just saw this latest proof -- as if any were needed -- that not only do you not understand even the most elementary English, you also are beyond the reach of the most elementary logic or basic morality! (Smile) Unlike you, who does not understand that any claim of fact requires the simultaneous presentation of evidence, I duly present below, again, the evidence of your myriad intellectual and moral debilities .For your necessary benefit, Alie Formeh Kamara aka OBP (Original Borbor Pain -- laugh), that means I will present evidence below that shows that you dont think logically, you have demonstrated yourself to be dishonest, and you dont understand what you read or write. Here it is: 1. EVIDENCE OF YOUR INABILITY TO THINK LOGICALLY Yesterday, you made the following laughable claim, in an unwitting cumulative display of your seeming inability to think logically: Your urge for attention and self aggrandizement caused you to cull discussions from your Salon discussion group to Facebook and it gives me a chance to debate you. This, after your characteristically mendacious claim that -- since proved earlier here to be demonstrably false -- that you were expelled for defending the APC (as if the APC did not know what a very poor debater you are -- smile)! My logically challenged friend, here below is the dispositive question that -- had you asked yourself and got someone to answer for you and then duly translate the answers into a language you can understand (smile) -- should have sufficed to disabuse you of your illogical wishful thinking cited above: IF, as you claim, characteristically without evidence, I removed you from SALONEDiscussion because I didnt want to debate you (I think you meant respond to your comical illogicalities) -- a self-styled APC defender (what a joke: even the APC cant be that hard pressed to choose a defender who cant even defend himself!) -- why then would I make fun of you unrelentingly here on Facebook, Borbor Pain? (Laugh) ANSWER: Thats because your expulsion from the serious SALONEDiscussion forum for serial rudeness had nothing to do with my always present readiness to make fun of you on my down time -- whether on SALONEDiscussion or here on Facebook! See, for example, Re: [SALONEDiscussion] Siaka Stevens Destruction of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers in SL https://groups.yahoo/neo/groups/SALONEDiscussion/conversations/messages/38540 See also, Re: [SALONEDiscussion] Siaka Stevens Destruction of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers in SL https://groups.yahoo/neo/groups/SALONEDiscussion/conversations/messages/38517 Even though you cant be expected to know it, given your copiously demonstrated inability to think properly and to understand either what you read or write, I actually enjoy making fun of your transparent self-delusions and pathetic attempts to appear to be what you are not -- a serious person (e.g.,I am a self-declared defender of the APC!) (Laugh) 2. EVIDENCE OF YOUR CHRONIC DISHONESTY As you know, you invited yourself to my attention by making a blatantly false statement in purported response to my respectful request that Pres.. Ernest Koroma resign the presidency. Specifically, in response to my respectful request that Pres. Koroma resign the presidency in the greater interest of our countrys need to fight the Ebola scourge more effectively, in the short run, and to develop our country in the long run, you wrote the following false and malicious statement: When asked whether he has a replacement in mind for His Excellency Ernest Bai Koroma, in the event that the President (God forbid) resigns, Mohamed Jalloh says emphatically that he does. When I showed you evidence that my actual answer to the question of whether I had a replacement for Pres. Koroma was the exact OPPOSITE of your blatant LIE, rather than do what an honest person would have done -- apologize to your readers for your false statement -- you further demonstrated your compulsive dishonesty by claiming that only my short answer was: no. Thereby, you implied that my long answer was: yes. That, of course, was ANOTHER blatant lie since my long answer was exactly consistent with my short answer, as shown in the following excerpt of my entire answer: [START EXCERPT] The question was: If the president agrees to do what you suggest, (and I know that will never happen), Do you have a replacement ion mind? My Answer: The short answer to your question is: no. The long answer is that your cogent question is one not for me to answer but for the people of Sierra Leone to answer through the constitutionally-mandated process for electing the president of SL. Source: Re: The Best Christmas Present Pres.. Koroma Can Give Sierra Leoneans [Part 1] https://groups.yahoo/.../conversations/messages/38905 [END EXCERPT] How do we know that your false statement was evidence of your dishonesty? We know because you carefully avoided citing my entire answer but chose to cite only my short answer in order to continue the dishonest charade that I had stated I had a replacement for Pres. Koroma.. As always, lets go to the evidence of your serial dishonesty: Here is YOUR dishonest answer to my question that you show us where in my reply to the question of whether I had a replacement for Pres. Koroma you read that I empahtically said yes: ALIE FORMEH KAMARA WROTE: As regards your reply to the question - whether you have a replacement for President Koroma, your short answer was no but your long answer included the following and I quote As regards the presumed (and valid) concern underlying your question, I can assure you that there are Sierra Leoneans who have demonstrated the superior leadership skills, competence, and patriotism required to perform a better job as president of SL than the incumbent. Thereby, you conclusively proved your DISHONESTY, Alie Formeh Kamara! To see that one need only compare my ACTUAL long answer to your transparent misrepresentation of it quoted above. Here again, solely for your uncertain benefit, is my entire answer: My Answer: The short answer to your question is: no.. The long answer is that your cogent question is one not for me to answer but for the people of Sierra Leone to answer through the constitutionally-mandated process for electing the president of SL. As you can see, my errant friend, NOWHERE in my answer to the question did I state what you FALSELY claimed I said! Which leads us to the question that conclusively proves your third and final intellectual; and/or moral debility cited above, namely, your copiously demonstrated inability to understand what you read and write, in addition to your previously cited inability to reason logically: On what basis did you, Alie Formeh Kamara, rely to conclude that I had stated that I had a replacement for Pres. Koroma? 3. EVIDENCE OF YOUR APPARENT INABILITY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ OR WRITE IN ENGLISH Given the surfeit of evidence that shows that I did NOT state that I had A (as in a single) replacement for Pres. Koroma, why did you, Alie Formeh Kamara, state that I did say I did have such a replacement? To answer that question, lets go to the best evidence -- your own voluntarily written statement. On December 31, 2014 at 12:12pm here on Facebook, you wrote in purported response to my question that you show us where you saw me state in my reply to the question whether I had a replacement for Pres. Koroma should he resign: ALIE FORMEH KAMARA WROTE: As regards the presumed (and valid) concern underlying your question, I can assure you that there are Sierra Leoneans who have demonstrated the superior leadership skills, competence, and patriotism required to perform a better job as president of SL than the incumbent. Indeed, I have worked with some of these Sierra Leonean gentlemen -- and, significantly, ladies. The challenge would be to convince them to enter the political arena that is the only legal route to the presidency of SL in this context. However, that challenge is not insurmountable.Clearly, I was right that you have your choice for a candidate that you think is more competent and patriotic [Emphasis added] In order to demonstrate your amply demonstrated difficulties with English comprehension, a single question will suffice, viz. In your mind, Alie Formeh Kamara, does the subject of my following sentence - Indeed, I have worked with some of these Sierra Leonean gentlemen -- and, significantly, ladies. -- that you cite as evidence that I have a (as in one) replacement for Pres. Koroma refer to a SINGLE person or multiple persons? ANSWER: Obviously, my sentence refers to MULTIPLE persons! How then can it be an answer to a question that asks if I have a (as in SINGLE) replacement for Pres. Koroma? The obvious answer is that it cannot. Why then, Alie Formeh Kamara, did you state that my answer shows that [c]learly, [you were] right that [I] have [my] choice for a candidate that [I] think is more competent and patriotic? ANSWER: Clearly because you apparently do NOT understand that my reference to knowing MULTIPLE persons who are more competent than Pres. Koroma is NOT equivalent to a statement that I know a SINGLE person who I have as a replacement for Pres. Koroma! By stating otherwise, you conclusively demonstrate your inability to understand what you read and write. Sadly, but accurately, you also cumulatively demonstrated your previously noted difficulties with logical reasoning. 4. FURTHER EVIDENCE THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ OR WRITE In redundant proof of your intractable English comprehension difficulties, yesterday you made the following laughable claim, predictably without providing a shred of evidence thereof: But I simply could not help calling you that because that was what you displayed when you tried to pass off sections of the 1978 constitution (specifically sect 118) as sections of the 1991 constitution dealing with the Judiciary. I was stunned at your sheer display of ignorance and at the fact that you did not even read the 1991 constitution but there you were arguing blindly. My friend, does your DISHONESTY know no bounds? First, how can you continue to make the transparently dishonest claim that I tried to pass off sections of the 1978 constitution (specifically sect 118) as sections of the 1991 constitution dealing with the Judiciary. when you KNOW that it was YOU, Alie Formeh Kamara -- not I -- whom I showed to be guilty of that characteristically dishonest ploy, in your role as a self-claimed defender of the APC? That fact is clearly attested to in the SALONEDiscussion archives. They show that you characteristically engaged in dishonesty in a futile effort to show that Pres. Stevens unpatriotic manipulation of the 1979 constitution to ensure domination of the judiciary by the executive branch did not continue into every civilian government after his exit from power, including the current APC government of Pres. Koroma. In contrast to your predictable failure to provide any evidence for your consequently baseless and drippingly dishonest claim, here is the evidence of YOUR dishonest attempt to misrepresent sections of the 1991 constitution in aid of your mendacious claim that Pres. Siaka Stevenss purely selfish, massively harmful and unpatriotic assault on the longstanding independence of the judiciary in 1979 did not continue to the present day under Pres. Koroma: See Re: [SALONEDiscussion] Siaka Stevens Destruction of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers in SL https://groups.yahoo/neo/groups/SALONEDiscussion/conversations/messages/38602 Second, how can you NOW refer to as a sheer display of ignorance what, on December 1, 2014, YOU had referred to as ideas with which you AGREED in part? Here is the evidence of your seemingly compulsive dishonesty: ALIE FORMEH KAMARA WROTE ON DEC 1, 2014: Ok. Mohm I am truly sorry. I just got angrier and angrier and resorted to annoying you with those awful language. I liked the debate. It made me read the constitutions perhaps more than you did because I am now retired and have a lot more time in my hands. I am only waiting for the ebola to end so I can return to Sierra Leone. I respect your views in many subjects. I will disagree with you sometimes but please hold your ground and dont relent except you have to. I will abide by the rules in the future. Cheers. By the way while I disagree with you on the subject matter, I do not disagree with you altogether. There are areas that need improvement and I will in the future point them out. [Emphasis added] SOURCE: Re: [SALONEDiscussion] Re: A Reminder for Alie Formeh Kamara https://groups.yahoo/neo/groups/SALONEDiscussion/conversations/messages/38640 Which leads to the naturally arising questions that expose your twin debilities, namely, your chronic DISHONESTY and your inability to understand what you read or write. Those questions are hopefully simple enough for someone to translate into a language you can understand. Here they are: 1. Alie Formeh Kamara, do you always, or only sometimes, not disagree with sheer displays of ignorance? 2 Do you always, or only sometimes, like [ ] debates involving sheer displays of ignorance? 3. Do you always understand the meaning of what you read or write, Alie Formeh Kamara? In closing, kindly accept my appreciation for your having again provided me extensive comic relief after a long day of merriment on this wonderful New Years day! (Smile). I look forward to the next opportunity to make fun of you which I have little doubt you will provide me, my self-styled APC defender friend whom the APC probably has never heard of, and would probably run away from if it had! In Stitches, Mohm
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 09:52:19 +0000

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