A FANTASTIC LETTER TO THE BENDOVER BANK BY AN AUSSIE (we can forgive calling islam a religion in this case as the rest of the content is so good) Letter to Chris Bone. Dear Mr Bone, As a long time customer (30 years) of the Bendigo Bank I wish to express my utter dismay at the tactic you have used to shut down the account of the Concerned Citizens of Bendigo who were opposing the $3 million dollar Islamic Mosque at Rowena Street, Bendigo East. I am NOT a member of the Concerned Citizens Group but I intend to cancel my accounts with the Bendigo Bank as a result of your actions. Does our (NOT YOUR) bank charter also not recognize the Australian Constitution, our culture and our Australian rule of law because Sharia law does not acknowledge them? It is RIGHT for decent, concerned Australians, and in particular, Bendigonians, to oppose this proposed mosque for MANY reasons. Who are you to try to prevent local people from expressing what MOST of us feel about this issue while you ignore the bigger and more dangerous issues that Islam represents? Your actions can only be viewed from two angles (1) Financial gain – GREED at the expense of Bendigonians and with no consultation or regard for our interests or (2) Gross ignorance and arrogance and failure to investigate the agendas of Islam and the impact that Islam will have on our society and way of life. Unlike other religions, Islam is not just a religion and it is foolish to regard it as such. It is a political, social, legal, economic (Yes, that’s right. They have their own financial system) and ideological system that is completely exclusive and hostile to all other religions, beliefs, cultures, societies and democracies. It is actually the main goal of Islam to infiltrate democratic societies and to enforce Sharia law in all its oppressive facets. In fact, nowhere in the world do people under Islamic rule exist in peaceful, democratic, affluent, non oppressive, non abusive, cohesive, open societies. Bendigo is a tolerant society with a diverse mix of religions, so religious bigotry is not the issue for the opposition to this proposed mosque. It is all the other anti Australian, anti democratic aspects of Islam that are being opposed and in that regard, you have no right to use the Bendigo Bank charter as a tool to excuse your actions. You have failed to consider every other aspect of Islam when you decided to shut down a legitimate account set up by concerned Bendigo ratepayers who are speaking up for the MAJORITY of us. You are the one who is at fault, not the Concerned Citizens of Bendigo group. The fact that there are currently less than a few hundred muslims in the vast Bendigo region makes it patently clear that this $3 million dollar Islamic mosque is intended to flood our city of Bendigo with muslims. You only need to look at what has happened in Europe and the U.K to understand what a monumental disaster the Islamic social experiment has been. Whole suburbs are now no go zones for non muslims including the police. They have absolutely no respect or regard for us or our way of life. On the contrary, Islam views us with utter contempt. In Melbourne, people (including elderly locals) who have opposed the building of mosques in their area have been paid visits by groups of muslim men who have threatened reprisals, including death threats, if they did not withdraw their objections. As a consequence, people sell their homes and leave the area, property prices fall, which makes way for muslims to buy the properties. This is the strategy that is being used and it is exactly what is happening in Melbourne suburbs right now. It is clear that this mosque is not welcome here and your arrogance and your ignorance are to be condemned in the strongest possible way. You do not represent the interests of the people of our region and as a consequence neither does the Bendigo Bank. Your actions are reprehensible and you are clearly out of touch with the opinions of the general public in this area, which is inexcusable for someone in your position. You should reinstate the Concerned Citizens of Bendigo account or resign. 1
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 02:32:49 +0000

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