A Few Defensive Driving Tips That Will Help You On The Road 1) - TopicsExpress


A Few Defensive Driving Tips That Will Help You On The Road 1) You should generally know that on the roads you have to take extra care to ensure your safety, and that of your passengers, car and others. Being on the right is not enough, many perish simply because they assume people will always honour their right of way. Not always. Hardly even. If Drunk, get a cab or sleep over. If exhausted go tomorrow. Its worth it. 2) DONT SPEED. This is key. It is much harder to react to phenomena at high speeds. Burst tyres, errant cyclists, foolish pedestrians, bombaclaat kombis, livestock, hidden obstructions. You should not find yourself flooring the accelerator on your car too often. 120 maximum on clear highways with no blind rise or livestock, and make a habit of slowing down before curves and blind rises, you never know whats beyond. There was a brahman bull in the middle of my lane just after a blind rise, at the end of 5 km straight where most drivers would be compelled to floor their vehicle; I had been slowing down from 120km/hr to 80, so was prepared for the surprise. Stay at 60 general speed in built up areas, 80 when overtaking on highways (roads like Borrowdale road and Samora say 70km maximum yet people reach 120 and beyond)) 3) DEFEND YOUR VEHICLE DEFEND YOUR SPACE. Put on seat belts, all round. dont expect that they will see or hear you. Expect the worst. Steer clear of children, animals and cyclists who have been known to suddenly swerve in to your space. Slow down as you approach them. Stop if you must, especially regarding cyclists or pedestrians when there is oncoming traffic, most are stubborn and dont like to step off the tarmac...because they dont want to get dust on their shoes (no kidding). Dont swerve to the oncoming lane, rather slow down or stop with hazards on, observing that the obstruction is in YOUR lane, dont pass on the bad road manners by swerving to oncoming lane. What makes you so important? 4) KEEP YOUR EYES BUSY. Regularly check. CHECK CHECK CHECK. Check around your car before you start it for any puppies, children, valuables (your phone that you dropped!). The traffic light just went Green? Great, wait and check for any lunatics before proceeding. They are there these lunatic drivers, always in a rush, always racing, always beating things, time, other cars, traffic lights. Let them go off, give them their space. When driving regularly check all rear view mirrors ESPECIALLY when about to make a move (turn, overtake). In addition to checking mirrors, it is IMPERATIVE, that you also slow down and briefly glance back (turn your head back) to make sure you dont miss anything in your mirrors blind spot. Here are things that can be there in that vaunted blind spot: - a motor cycle or bicycle travelling on the margins to your left in the blind spot, ready to crash into you as you make a sudden left or stop. - a very fast moving car ready to overtake you as you turn right - anything. Its real out there Also anticipate and look on the outskirts of the highway for any movement in that about to be tall grass (rains are upon us), cattle have been known to rush to cross the road suddenly. Donkeys blend with the road and are extremely stubborn. kombis are a law unto themselves. Very annoying but be defensive. Attacking your rightful space as an oncoming car, might prove fatal. You will die cause dude wanted to make 20 extra bucks to reach target so couldnt let you or other kombis get ahead of him on the road to more passengers. Sounds silly but in reality families have lost breadwinners because of this. Be DEFENSIVE. BE READY. Protect your car Protect your space. Look around, stop then continue. Also something must be said for driving in Zimbabwean cities and towns. With the decay of the rule of law, infrastructure etc road traffic laws have not been spared. There are very few zebra crossings. No cycle tracks, insufficient paving. WE ARE NOW A NATION OF JAY-WALKERS. People dont look at traffic signals anymore they just run on to the road like livestock in the rural areas in town. Be wary, be Defensive, drive slow. As you overtake, some clown will be rushing in to the very lane you wish to change to, only to then abruptly stop before even making it to side walk?!!People are lazy or too out of shape to run away from fast oncoming traffic whilst illegally jay-walking and have an annoying I know you can see me- put on your brakes for me attitude. Some 5 pedestrians die every month in Zim urban areas. Maybe its the proliferation of fast food outlets such as Chicken Slice, thats making bellies fatter, and legs less willing to be brisk. Avoid them, itll make for a simpler life. I try avoid driving in town when I can to be honest. Usually has me cursing beneath my breath more than a New York Cab driver. Trust me thats a lot!!! 5) MAKE SLOWING DOWN A HABIT. Curves, blind rises. You just never know whats beyond. You could fly by 10000 of these, theres the one with a tractor parked right there with no triangles. Dont face it at 120km/hr. Every curve or blind rise could be the one. Prepare for it. Slow down Observe, continue 6) Leave early. An hour before the Event starts in the city means you can drive at a safe non-rushed speed, and will have a 10-20 minutes to burn before hand there. 30 minutes before is late. Defensive focus is lost when fighting time. You must protect your space. Give yourself cushioning time wise...if late, still drive like youre early. 6) GET OVER YOURSELF. Yes, I mean that. You are not that important, no matter how big or fancy your car is, or how important you are in life. Theres always a bigger faster car which will leave yours in the dust. Nobody cares. Millions of good drivers have lost their lives on these roads. RESPECT THE ROAD, RESPECT YOUR LIFE. Like Tocky Vibes said unofa benzi richisara richifema. Where you need to go is NEVER that important. Especially if you dont make it!!! Humble yourself and respect certain laws such as Speed Thrills but Speed Kills. Kumhanya sandikusvika. Respect the lives of your passengers by always driving defensively with seat belts on. Care for your loved ones by caring for yourself, its all good feeling like a King going 160 on the highway, but what good is a dead King? Portrait on currency maybe for a King, youll get flowers. BE A DEFENSIVE DRIVER AND LIVE LONGER. THERES NO TREATMENT FOR A FATAL ACCIDENT
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:32:03 +0000

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