A GOOD AND COMPASSIONATE WOMAN (Part 2) 5.SHE IS A SUBMISIVE WOMAN: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) Every married woman has a head, and that is, her husband. The unmarried must ensure that the man they are accepting to marry must be submissive to their head, Christ. No woman should ever accept to marry a man who is not under the authority of Christ. That man will abuse his authoriity over you. He will treat you like a punching bag, and will never see your worth. SIGNS OF A REBELLIOUS MAN 1. He is Too Busy to be involved in Church Luke 16:10 says that faithfulness starts with little things. If someone is not fulfilling their call in God, why does he/she wants to marry since marriage is to enable you serve God better. If a person‟s commitment to Church cannot be ascertained, then it is better to wait until suitable adjustments are made. 2. No Financial Commitment to the Gospel Matthew 6:21 says that your money follows where your heart is. Someone who does not tithe or is not a partner is clearly saying that his/her heart is not in the gospel. If his money is not in the Gospel, his heart isnt. If your man thinks giving into the Gospel is a waste of money, marrying him is a waste of time and purpose. Whatever a man spends most of his time, money and attention on, this is the most important thing in his life. Dont be decieved by what he says, watch his life; actions speak more truth than words. 3. He is not Submissive to the Authority of His Church Such a person is walking time bomb‟. This is particularly important for ladies as in a marriage context you won‟t always agree with every decision the man makes. You do not put yourself under the authority of someone who is not submitted to his Church, because if problems arise, you would have no one to escalate it to. 4. He is not prayerful: If a man is not prayerful, that is proof positive that he is playful and not under submission to Christ. A man ought to learn to submit himself to God in prayer by seeking his counsel (James 4;6). If your man cant pray now, you have no guarantee that he will start praying when you get married. Marriage doesnt make anyone prayerful. If he cant pray now, what assurance do you have that hell lead your family in prayer. One of the reasons God made a covenant with Abraham was that he saw that Abraham would instruct his children after the ways of God. Is it the same thing you are seeing in that man? Would he instruct your household in the things of God? Good woman, dont marry a man who does not love God; dont marry a prayerless man. These are the same men, who after marriage, start stopping their wives from going to church. Dont fall in the enemies trap. 5. He is not word-full: Anyone who is submissive to Christ is filled with His word richly (Colossians 3:16). How can you submite to someone who never talks to you? Christ talks to us through His word. Loving and doing His word is what is referred to as submission to Christ, for Christ is the word (John 1:1) The fact that you like someone does not mean that God approves of that person! You could already have made up your mind before seeking God‟s opinion and in this case, there is no point going to seek God‟s approval because He will answer according to the idols in your heart‟ (Numbers 22, Ezekiel 14). It is proper to reiterate that your choice of a marriage partner must have been made with much prayer. Your prayer should have been for God to reveal His mind and not your cajoling Him to endorse your choice. Dont be deceived, he may look so gentle and carying during courtship, if Christ is not his head, you have no guarantee that he will always be this way even when you marry. Good woman, you must ensure that the man you desire to be your head has good brains aswell, and not just cute eyes. Dont marry an empty brain if you dont want your life to be empty and noisy. Empty brians make too much noise. God establishes the husband as the deputy authority of Christ, and the wife as the representation of the church. Unless the wife sees the authority that the husband represents, the authority that God has set up, it is difficult for her to submit. She has to see that it is not a matter of her husband but a matter of God’s authority. Titus 2:5 says young women should be “subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed.” First Peter 3:1 says, “In like manner, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that even if any disobey the word, they will be gained without the word through the manner of life of their wives.” Verses 5 and 6 say, “For in this manner formerly the holy women also, who hoped in God, adorned themselves, being subject to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.” Sarah called Abraham, her husband, my lord because she recognized that he was her master - the man she was to submite herself to. However an important spiritual truth for men: Don‟t build your headship of the home (or your masculinity) on such things as being the one that is older, richer or physically stronger. This is because wisdom does not come with age neither is it by wealth for the Bible says in Proverbs 23:5, “Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven”. Also, in this modern age, women can learn the martial arts or bodybuilding and actually end up physically more capable. God ordained that the man be the head of the woman; it is a role conferred; it is not earned or based on anything the man is or has done. A wife who does not submite herself to her own husband is a knife and not a wife: A pain in the neck. Remember Vashiti in the book of Easter, she did not submite to her husband the king, he felt so insulted that he had to replace her with a submissive woman. A good woman never opposes her husband publicly. She supports him publicly. When they are together in private, she will bring up the issue with wisdom and advise. The Bible teaches that the virtuous womans husband is respected in the city. He is respected partly because of how his wife treats him. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. Proverbs 31:23 Good woman, if you want your husband to always listen to you, respect him, submite yourself to him, never say anything to disgrace him publicly least he should consider you an opponent. No one can take advise from his enemy. IT WILL BE CONTINUED... KALOS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (KCC) Bringing beauty to your world
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 07:47:17 +0000

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