A Hebrew wedding works like this: There is the Bridegroom, which - TopicsExpress


A Hebrew wedding works like this: There is the Bridegroom, which is the Groom Bride is the bride(woman) Each have witnesses The Brides witnesses would be her maidens(Matthew 25) The Bridegroom has his as well(The 2 Witnesses Rev 11:3) Now that you know who is who, here is what happens. After the Bridegroom, and the Brides father agree on the contract, they sign the contract--at that point they are legally married.However, not all the time was the marriage consummated at that time, some times they waited years. After the Bridegroom would leave the father of the brides house the bridegroom would then go to prepare a place attached to my Fathers house this is a Hebrew tradition and shows us a mirror of what the Messiah did and is doing now(preparing a place attached to His Fathers house for the Bride) Many would ask the Bridegroom, when is the date(wedding feast and when he picks her up) To which the bridegroom would reply, I do not know the day nor the hour but only the Father. Again we see this fulfillment in Scripture when the Messiah tells us But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. When the time comes that the father of the groom is ready to send his son back to get his bride, he tells him to go out to get her. When the Bridegroom comes, he comes with witnesses and they go out ahead of him to alert her and all, that he, the bridegroom is coming. The Bridegroom would come for her at mid of night which again we see written in scripture. (1 Thes 5:2) At mid of night the sound of a Shofar would alert all those he is coming and a cry was hears, See, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him (Matthew 25:6) All the maidens(brides witnesses) would rise up and trim their lamps and go out to meet the bridegroom. They rise up because they slept due to the rotational slowing of earth. The wise have more oil because they expected a delay(of 12 hours, rotation of earth slowing by 12 hours like in Joshuas long day) However the foolish did not expect this delay and run out of oil, so they are told by the wise to go to those who sell and buy. Now because the foolish didnt have enough oil they missed the door, the bridegroom closes the door and tells them I never knew you (Matthew 25:12) Now, the next stage is he takes his bride to her bridal chambers(Isaiah 26:20-21) She is protected there while the Great Tribulation happens.(1260 days, as seen in Rev 12:6) Now to recap: The Messiah is the Bridegroom, the 144,000 would be the Bride, Matthew 25 wise are the bridesmaids or maidens(witnesses to the Bride) the two witnesses of Rev 11, witness for the Messiah. One being the prophet Elijah and the other is unknown--- they blow the shofar, ahead of Him to alert the bride and maidens that the Messiah is coming. They have ALREADY gone out to MEET the Messiah. When the Messiah comes to take them to the bridal chambers, the foolish maidens miss their chance and He tells them I NEVER KNEW YOU. Thus starting the Great Tribulation and the witnesses go out to spread the news to the world for 1260 days. They MUST prophesy for exactly 1260 days, not a day shorter... So, they are ahead of the start of the Great Tribulation since they are to serve as His witnesses to His Bride also. They must blow the shofar. The Hebrew wedding is the ONLY way you will understand all that was wrote, all that was said and written... To deny the Hebrew way, is to deny all of Scripture. Now watch these to help tie it altogether: Need more oil? Why did they sleep? Remember, the oil is LITERAL you CANT buy spiritual readiness, you CANT sell it and the Holy Spirit CANT run low on it. Its literal, learn why here. https://youtube/watch?v=CpmlNT6-crc&list=UU98GVWvgx-P3CMIvN112v5g Learn how to spot the sign in Revelation 12 https://youtube/watch?v=COlFVSmx07o&list=UU98GVWvgx-P3CMIvN112v5g
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 05:55:37 +0000

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