A LESSON TO THE PRAYERLESS CHRISTIANS ...THAT MEN OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY AND NOT TO FAINT... ....Those that dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty... As I was told, ON THE DAY OF THE Nyanya bomb blast in Abuja, a christian woman was to board a bus in that park. She woke up and was in a hurry to leave home, she didnt want to pray or observe her morning devotion because she thought she was already late. But the Spirit of God persuaded her to spend time in prayer. She saw that there was no choice for her than to obey. She stayed and spend the normal time she was supposed to spend in prayer. It was when she was still at home getting ready to go to the park that she heard about the bomb blast that claimed some lives and injured many. Another one, was a christian man who woke up in the morning thinking he was late couldnt spend enough time to pray even though he was persuaded by the Spirit to stay and pray. He disobeyed and hurried out of the house. He entered a cab and the next place he saw himself was in the bush on a line where ritualists where slaughtering people one after the other. He realized what was happening and began to speak in tongues. The chief priest came to him and warned him to stop the tongues, so he started speaking in his mind but in a few minutes he burst out and opened his voice in tongues. That was how he ran out of the line and the bush to find himself on an isolated road. He got help to get back home. If you fail to pray, you become a prey...to the devil!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 06:54:54 +0000

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