A LOOK at Port harcourt ATTACK ON Governor AMAECHI Visitors » - TopicsExpress


A LOOK at Port harcourt ATTACK ON Governor AMAECHI Visitors » how PROTESTERS carried ACID awaiting Amaechi and his VISITORS » RIVer STAte Police BOSS says AIRPORT is for every one By Odimegwu Onwumere A lot has been happening lately in Rivers State; from pro Governor Chibuike Amaechi protesters to anti-Amaechi protesters and the fight at the House of Assembly. Many individuals and groups have added their voices on the crises. Many have sued for peaceful resolution of the crises that have been rocking the state. It is, however, dishonorable that some persons on Tuesday, July 16, 2013 threw the hospitality for which the residents of Rivers State are known to the winds, and molested some governors, who were on a solidarity visit to Gov. Amaechi, over the incessant man-made chaos in the state. Such hostility by the scoundrels is condemnable, unnecessary, undemocratic, and foolish. The act was morbid and revealed how immature some persons are in handling their differences with their political rivals. The people who went to the airport to abuse the governors have shown how desperate they were in making sure that the already battered image of the country was not redeemed before the comity of nations. These persons might think that they wanted to spoil the image of the state, but have further succeeded in bringing Nigeria to disrepute. It was reprehensible why the police, according to accounts, were unresponsive and refused to dismiss the crowd of the alleged troublemakers who had gathered at the airport to assault the governors of Adamawa, Jigawa, Kano and Niger states who visited the Rivers State Governor and Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), Governor Chibuike Amaechi. The Police Commissioner in the state, Mbu Joseph Mbu and his men, who ought to have acted to protect these governors at the airport, but failed to do so, is reported to have said that “the airport is a public place for everyone to visit.” The statement credited to Mr. Mbu is very disappointing to say the least. It has become obvious that the presidency might not be unconnected with these troubles in Rivers State. This could be inferred in a statement issued by the Rivers State Commissioner of Information and Communications, Ibim Semenitari that “There were jitters in the Presidency over the visit of the Governors of Adamawa, Jigawa, Kano and Niger to Rivers State Governor and Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, Rt. Hon Chibuike Amaechi in Port Harcourt, (on)Tuesday 16, 2013… (and) members of the Nyesom Wike’s Campaign Organisation, Grassroot Democratic Initiative GDI, had mobilised hoodlums to disrupt the visit…” If the story making the rounds is true that a four litre cask suspected to contain some acid was found beside the mob, there is no gain saying the fact that the mob was very careless. Persons like Wike should be admonished to remember how the state was once ransacked by hoodlums and, whether he wants the state to retrogress to that era of absurdity, because of political differences. It is unfortunate that Police Commissioner Mbu has denied knowledge of the mob being at the airport, since the airport is a civic place and everyone has a right to visit without constraint. What then did the visiting governors do to deserve the un-African inhospitality meted out to them given that they were on a peaceful mission? Now, who would Wike blame if the same hostile reception is accorded him should he one day visit the states of these governors that his group was said to have molested, as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria? Governor Amaechi should be commended for showing exceptional maturity over this unprovoked attack by his traducers. If the pro-Amaechi group had mobilised against this show of shame, the news would have been different today as it could have degenerated into a bloodbath or something more awful. In a press statement released by the governors shortly after their meeting with Gov. Amaechi and after visiting some developmental projects of the governor, called on the people and residents of Rivers State to continue supporting the governor, stressing that there was nothing wrong with their visit to Gov. Amaechi who is their Chairman in the NGF. The governors should be applauded for embracing the spirit of communalism and showing same, which is a potent part of democracy. They should bear in mind that the uncivilized attack on them at the Port Harcourt Airport was the handiwork of anti-people, undemocratic, and unrepentant gangsters, who do not in any way represent the disposition of the hospitable people of River State. Those fomenting trouble in the state should change their ways and embrace peace. Culled from Daily independent •Onwumere, a commentator on public affairs, wrote in from Port Harcourt, Rivers State via apoet_25@ yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 09:18:49 +0000

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