A Leap of Faith” (Complete account and update on Rev. Dada J.P. - TopicsExpress


A Leap of Faith” (Complete account and update on Rev. Dada J.P. Vaswani) Some people are born to give, to live only for others. Even in the midst of their own suffering, their focus is only on the healing and well-being of others. They are messiahs who assist those in pain and agony, bringing healing and joy in their lives. One such is our Beloved Dada, whose magnanimity, compassion and all-encompassing love I experienced during this last week, while he was unwell in the hospital. For a few days Dada had been under the weather, but on Saturday the 26th of July, his condition worsened and he had to be rushed to the hospital. Even though he was in physical pain himself, he kept on inquiring about the condition of some of the other devotees - one was undergoing a financial problem; another was struggling with some health issues; someone had passed away in the family and Dada wondered how the near and dear ones were coping and so on. It was amazing how Dada superseded and rose above his own body consciousness to empathize only with the suffering of others. Though the effects of Dadas episode were very worrying and to see his suffering was heart rending, Dada kept on reiterating that this was merely a passing phase and asked us not to worry. His demeanour was calm and resigned, even when the doctors raised an alarm bell on seeing his condition. Dada was immediately admitted to the I.C.C.U. at the hospital. It was a frenzied night filled with uncertainties. With unflagging devotion and zeal they treated Dada. The following day a C.T. scan was done on Dada. During the day he had not spoken a word to any of us. A male nurse was assigned to take care of Dada. He suddenly saw a fly or mosquito on Dadas stomach. At that time our attention was focused on his face, trying to gauge his feelings as he was not communicating with anyone, so we did not notice it. As the nurse was about to swat it, Dada called out, Mat maro, us mein bhi jaan hai. (Dont kill it, it also has life in it). This highlighted for us the height of his awareness and alertness, and his caring for all kinds of life-form, his oneness with Creation. In order to prevent any further deterioration, as a safety measure, the doctors administered medication and sedated Dada. Even in that partially drugged state, Dada had the word Hey Ram on his lips. Souls like Dada are so much a part of the Divine that Gods Name is ever present in their sub-conscious. So even though the level of physical agony was high, Dada’s consciousness was on the Name Divine. The doctors and the nurses were amazed at his forbearance and tolerance. They were surprised that he never complained of the pain, or the inconvenience he had to undergo due to the battery of tests, and the constant disturbance caused by the medical staff. Through it all Dada was totally unconcerned about his situation. With full confidence he assured us, All this is just a play of two-three days. Then Ill become normal. In spite of his excruciating pain, he welcomed the doctors with a cheerful smile. Often his eyes would appear glazed and fixed, which would frighten all of us. Then suddenly he would call out, Did youll see! making us realise that he was on a totally different plane. Then there would be a strange glow in his eyes, giving an indication of visions far beyond our comprehension. One day we overheard Dada singing a song of love and longing for the Lord, of pain and yearning on being away from Him, of the resultant torture and suffering. “Do not take away this gift of longing which you have bestowed on me,” he pleaded! Finally, on the 1st of August Dada began conversing. He explained to the doctors the meaning of the Name of the Lord, and how it made him feel so light. Then he expressed his wish to go home in time for his birthday. Dr. Ichaporia, who was in charge of his treatment, said that Dadas recovery will take place when we allow him to do what his heart wants. The doctors agreed that Dada could be discharged on the 2nd for a few hours. The weather too seemed to coincide with our situation. During the initial days the skies were overcast, with dark clouds blocking off the light. Then followed heavy and continuous rain showers. But on the 2nd, his birthday, when Dada was much better, the day dawned crisp and clear, with the sun deigning to frequently peep through the clouds, giving us glimpses of light and warmth. The moon was shining, Dada sat upon his bed, the white rays of the moon enveloping him. Dada said: I honour everybody. But the true, real physician is God Himself. Dada was completely indifferent to his own illness and was devoted to the fulfillment of his earthly mission. On his birthday, when the doctors came to wish Dada, he asked for the gift of not being brought back to the hospital. Finally, the deal between Dada and them was struck that Dada would stay at home for the night of the 2nd. If there was no problem, then he could continue to recuperate at home. Doctors had come from Chicago, Mumbai and Pune, to treat Dada, to ensure that the best of care and treatment could be provided for his recovery. Although the doctors were very busy they would spend a long time in Dada’s company. To them he would say: “The duty of a physician is undoubtedly a noble one, if he treats his patients with compassion.” Dadas heart was filled with the attitude of gratitude towards all the care providers. While leaving the hospital, there was a smile on his face and the word Thank you on his lips. Dadas arrival from the hospital, in an ambulance, directly to the Mission was a mind-blowing event. He was rolled out in a wheel-chair and was taken straight to the sacred Samadhi. With folded hands, he expressed his gratitude to the Master, and then proceeded with the rites for the culmination of the 108-hr. akhand havan and jaap of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Then calmly he allowed himself to be led on to the stage in the Satsang hall. Though the congregation was aware that Dada had arrived on the premises, they could not believe their eyes, even when he was actually in their midst. His presence amongst them on the evening of his birthday was no less than a miracle! Besides a loud applause, Dada was also greeted with tear-drops and smiles. The tears were for their beloved who had undertaken and borne so much in order to be with them, and smiles for the overflowing joy at having him with them. Dadas launching of the Anjali Sangraha was a stirring and moving occasion. Through it he was sharing with us his innermost thoughts, feelings and emotions for his Master, and for the Lord, making the moment a very intimate and special one. Every song and verse in it is a jewel with which to enrich our lives. In his speech, though short but extremely inspiring, Dada prayed that he may be able to continue his work as an instrument of the Lord. The weakness of his physical state did not deter him from desiring to go on being of service to society, for it is that which matters and not just the number of years we live! The doctors wanted to take Dada back to the hospital after the programme, but Dada requested them to let him stay at home, where he would recuperate faster. They conceded to his request and proceeded to convert his room into a hospital. The doctors have been visiting regularly and monitoring him round the clock. Dadas physical progress is slow but steady. He has been spending a lot of time in solitude and reveling in the peace and spiritual aura that entails. One day, Dr. Ichaporia, on seeing Dadas glowing face commented, Your face is shining like the moon. With a smile Dada replied, The moon merely reflects the light of the sun, indicating that he was merely a reflection of his Masters light. Once, a visiting doctor from Mumbai, on examining Dada, began placing numerous questions before him. With a gleam of mischief in his eyes, Dada told him, You think you are questioning me, but through your questions I am examining you and learning more about you. So it is you who needs to be careful! It is with such a spirit of camaraderie and joie de vivre that Dada proceeds to patiently go through his time of recuperation. One day Dada spoke about Alexander the Great, who, before he passed on, placed three requests before his courtiers: 1) To place a silken veil on the roads that lead to his grave, to indicate that you cannot take your riches with you. 2) All the doctors, healers who worked on his recovery should walk alongside his procession to show that the best of medical advice can be helpless before the Lords will. 3) To keep his hands visible with palms facing out portraying that he was leaving this earth empty-handed. It is our good deeds alone, during our lifetime, that count. By Gods grace, Dadas energy is gradually returning. No doubt it is an uphill task, requiring tremendous patience and perseverance. But with the ever-flowing prayers and the nourishing love of all of you, Dada will surely be back on his feet soon, intermingling with the sangat, talking to them, blessing them, laughing with them, sharing his love with them! With regards, Krishna Kumari
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:39:27 +0000

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