A Letter to Elaine Brown Elaine Alice Brown [03924-049] - TopicsExpress


A Letter to Elaine Brown Elaine Alice Brown [03924-049] FCT ALICEVILLE PO Box 43000 ALICEVILLE ALA, 35442 . November 13, 2013 Dear Elaine, Good to hear from you. Dont worry about your handwriting, you should see mine. Thats why I type. The nuns who taught me to write would flunk my penmanship. Penmanship, theres a word from the past, huh? It seems that you have grounded yourself spiritually through your time away from your old life. Youve discovered whats important is simplicity and not a great deal of clutter in your life. After Anita died, I sat in that big house we had rented and realized it wasnt what I wanted. Thats when I decided to buy the motorhome and free myself of all unnecessary encumbrances. I sold most of what I had and still wound up to two storage rooms full of stuff. It was the best decision I made for my life now is trouble free, low maintenance, and all the time in the world to devote my attentions to the things that matter to me. You caught my attention with your comment about felons returning to the outside world and the problems which beset them in an uncaring and untrusting world due to their felon status. Is that not the very nature of the satanic ruled system which conditions people in their thoughts and behavior, and by such, keeps society chaotic and violent? That the nature of tyranny and exploitation, is it not? I have found that solitude and clarity is truly Heaven on Earth. It is there where one finds peace of mind and if they have a right heart and right intention, comes to be at peace with oneself. If one can live with oneself, finds themselves to be their best friend and find peace in that, they truly have come to understand the nature of Oneness, and that, Elaine is the discovery of Truth, of Love, in a previously chaotic life. That is the nature of Freedom that unencumbered solitude brings one. Once you have that kind of unconflicted energy, one has found Peace on Earth, and No one can strip that away from you. Thats why Oregon courts and law enforcement could not break me by throwing me in a prison cell. Inwardly, I was as free there as I was outside the jail. People make their own prison cells in their own minds and are not even aware of it. When one is at peace with themselves, only then are they able to help others. Without the peace of Oneness with oneself, one is merely projecting their inner conflict outwardly to the world. The remarkable thing is that most people are turned off by such energy. They have become addicted to feeding, and living off the energy of others through neediness, manipulation and co-dependence, which they mislabel love. It is a rare individual who can give and expect nothing in return. However the world is not geared for such people. In fact, they do not even see such energy of love, of Truth, because they have been blinded by their own conditioning to expect others to do for them, what can only be done by themselves. Elaine, I am glad that you are not turned off by my messages. That says a great deal about your spirit, for generally my messages are personna non grata on the internet. Few respond to my messages, and they are now being blocked and hidden by facebook and other sites through various tricks and devices. The media ignores me, StoneWalls my writing, regards me as just some Jesus Freak or Kook. All the while they prime the public with nonsense and gibberish applying their efforts to the least common denominator. I do not expect much to come of my messages in this lifetime for the people, including my own family, are inured to such simple words, such simple truth. They prefer to live the life of fantasy of sweet words and illusions, all the while their enslavement to their slavemasters continue to strip them of their sovereignty, their God-given Freedom. I hope my daughter preserves the last 18 years of my Internet writing for posterity which survives the coming holocaust brought on by the Satanic Old World Order changing its name to the New World Order. There is little hope that clear avoidance of large scale killing and disruption of order will be possible in Americas Streets. The people have long been primed for such violence through their deprivation of living standards and wealth accumulation. You and Ed have faced that spectre of Evil and have survived the loss of your previous lifestyle. Many have not and will not. That is what awaits America and the world. Elaine, when you speak of Yahweh, and Yeshua, you speak of the same God I call Divine Infinite Intelligence. Let not semantics muddle the Spirit of the Words we speak. That is the tact used by mind controllers to divide and separate people through adherence to such words. When it is all said and done, are we not speaking of the Divine Infiniteness of Intelligence which permeates all of Creation? I call myself a Living Christ for all men are potential Christs who are in spirit simple men and women of Truth. I use the word Christ Intentionally to bring forth the anger and ignorance tied to the mind controlling trigger word of Christ. It raises hell with the Graven Imaged Illusions of mind controlled cult-ruled satanic minions who have been trained to worship a satanically imposed mind controlling myth of one such man who lived 2000 years ago, a simple carpenter, itinerant preacher, a SIMPLE MAN OF TRUTH. I suspect I bent your ear long enough, so Ill Say Goodbye. Hang in there Kiddo. Love Ray arkenterprises/
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:04:08 +0000

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