A MESSAGE FROM A FELLOW VETERAN FOR PEACE Especially for any - TopicsExpress


A MESSAGE FROM A FELLOW VETERAN FOR PEACE Especially for any youngster who is looking forward to Military Service and the parents involved. From Mike Hastie: An Khe, Vietnam Veteran Burning Shit In Vietnam Everything about the Vietnam War was about burning shit, and so many other things. Zippo Lighter and Napalm Democracy. And now, the U.S. Government is on a massive campaign to burn the truth about the Vietnam War. And, the reason the U.S. Government is doing this is so they can have other wars that are about the same shit. It’s a slow time-released capsule of lies that will make Americans believe the Vietnam War was a justifiable war for honorable causes... “ Peace With Honor,” as madman Nixon so often said. It was the bull shit belief in the “Domino Theory.” It was the wholesale propaganda lie at the time that if the U.S. didn’t stop Communism in Vietnam, all of Southeast Asia would fall to Communism. It reminds me of the charging Merrill Lynch bull near Wall Street, the human crematorium of corporate murder. I think S H I T should stand for: Silence History In Time. You gotta do this so the U.S. Government can have its dirty overt and covert wars in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia, Libya, Egypt,Pakistan, Syria, Ukraine, and God only knows how many other wars in Africa, South America, etc... Since the end of World War II, the U.S. has bombed 28 countries. The United States Government has become the cancer of the world. It has become the outer space surveillance “ Big Brother “ of the world. I included in this piece of writing a photograph I took in An Khe, Vietnam. It shows a poor Vietnamese peasant burning American shit with diesel on a U.S. military base. That is what we did to the Vietnamese people. They became slaves in their own country, while the U.S. Government burned their villages to the ground every single day. The truth is always in the details. And the shit details were all part of these unfathomable atrocities. Mike Hastie Army Medic Vietnam March 18, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 03:52:23 +0000

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