A Magnificent Reward Hazrat Ali RadhialLahu-`anhu and Abu Darda - TopicsExpress


A Magnificent Reward Hazrat Ali RadhialLahu-`anhu and Abu Darda RadhialLahu-`anhu narrated from the Prophet SallalLahu-Alayhi wasallam that he said, Whoever sent wealth to be spent in the path of Allah and stayed behind himself he will be rewarded for every dirham, the reward of 700 dirhams, and whoever fought himself for Allahs pleasure and also spent his wealth in this cause, he will be rewarded for every dirham the reward of 700,000 dirhams. Then the Prophet SallalLahu-Alayhi wasallam recited this ayah (verse): Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wishes. (Al-Quraan, 2 : 261). An important point to note. Allama Alusi RadhiAllahu-`anhu writes that the increasing of reward is only for wealth spent in Jihad whereas the wealth spent in any other cause only multiplies by ten. (Rohul Ma-Ani, P78) Hazrat Thawban RadhiAllahu-`anhu says that the Prophet SallalLahu-Alayhi wasallam said, The best Dinar is that which is spent on ones household and that Dinar which is spent on the horse for Jihad and the Dinar which is spent on friends in the path of Jihad. (Ibne Majah, P 198) The Prophet SallalLahu-Alayhi wasallam said, Whoever provides the needs of a Mujahid, he will receive the reward of a Mujahid and the reward of the Ghazi (Islamic fighter), will not be decreased. (Ibne Majah, P198) Hazrat Huraim Bin Fatih RahamatulLahu-alayh says that the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam said, The Ghazi(Islamic fighter) receives the reward of repaying and Jihad. (Abu Dawood) The virtues outlined above relate to circumstances when Jihad is Fardh-e-Kifaya and there is a group fulfilling this duty on behalf of the Muslims and the other Muslims are aiding them financially and looking after their household. When the unbelievers attach a Muslim country, then it becomes a requirement upon every Muslim to do Jihad with his self and wealth. Hadhrat Abu Zar RadhialLahu-`anhu says the Holy Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam said, Any Muslim whose three children die, Allah will enter them into Jannah by His grace and whoever spends two pairs from his wealth in Allahs cause, the guards of Jannah run towards them (they stand in honour for them and call them towards Jannah). (Sunani Kubra Baihaqi, p179 : Vol 9). Hazrat Abu Ummamah RadhialLahu-`anhu says that the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam said, The best charity is to provide the shade for the tent in the path of Allah, or to give a slave in the path of Allah, or to give a young camel in the path of Allah. (Tirmizi, Kanzul Ummal, P 283: Vol.4) The reason for it being the best charity is because all three things mentioned above are a necessity for the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen need the tents to live in and they need men to aid them and mounts to ride upon. Another reason for this great reward is that the above mentioned things are very precious, therefore the reward is also great. Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab RAdhialLahu-`anhu says that I heard the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam saying, Whoever provided a shade to a Mujahid, Allah will shade him with His shade on the day of Judgment. (Sunani Kubra, Baihaqi, P172, Vol.2) The reason for Allah proving a shade to such a person is that the Mujahid has set out for the sole purpose of elevating Allahs word and whoever does an act of kindness for him, allah will repay that kindness Himself. The Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallam said, The person with the most Iman is he who does Jihad with his self and wealth and that person who worships Allah in a valley keeping people away from his mischief. (Abu Dawood, Kanzul Ummal p287 ) The virtue of one spending his wealth with his life has been mentioned in this hadith and it has been stated as full Iman. The reason being, that a man loves his life and wealth considerably and when he sacrifices both of these things, then he is granted the sweetness of Iman and the high status of full Iman. Hazrat Abu Hurairah RadhialLahu-`anhu narrates that in the night of Isra, the Prophet SallalLahu-alayhi wasallm passed some people who used to sow seeds one day and cut it the next day. After cutting it he field used to grow again. The Prophet Sallallahu-alayhi wasallm said, O Jibrael! who are these people? Hazrat Jibrael RadialLahu-`anhu answered, They are the Mujahideen, the reward of their deeds are multiplied up to 700, whatever they spend they are repaid for it. At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb The reason for the multiplying of reward is that, it is through Jihad that Allahs word is elevated, falsehood is wiped out, the truth is powefull, the obligation of ordaining good and forbidding evil is revived, the practical system of Islamic laws comes into existence and people enter into Islam in troops by seeing the greatness of Islam. Also the reward of spending for the cause is multiplied because the work of good deeds is positioned high and piety is well spread. The reward for all this is given to the Mujahideen (Islamic fighters) and to the wealthy people who equip them. In addition, Allah Himself repays such a person both in this world and the hereafter.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:45:50 +0000

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