A Melting Pot of Lone Rangers, 4 Years in LA, Some thoughts A big - TopicsExpress


A Melting Pot of Lone Rangers, 4 Years in LA, Some thoughts A big thank you to the very last minute, very impromptu gathering around my pool last night in West Hollywood. It was perfect. It’s clear that my friends just happen to be insanely talented and just happen to inspire me. Four years back and forth to LA, it’s taught me more than any degree or piece of paper has. It’s not always been red carpets, glitz and glam, though yeah there has been that too. It’s been a journey. I am grateful more than I used to know was possible, mostly due to those that surround me both in LA and those back in Ireland. On first arrival it’s tourist pursuit of the storybook LA. Ticking off what the media tell you LA is. This can last quite a while, it’s fun and for some it’s all that’s needed. The wackiness of LA seems to host a culture of acceptance. They say LA is anything you want it to be, I’d agree and for life in general really. LA is a city of diversity, a city of ethnicities, backgrounds & nationalities I knew nothing about, becoming good friends. A city that attracts many numbers of actors, of models, singers, dancers, writers, musicians and on and on from all corners of the world. They come often on their own, often as the stereotype says with a couple hundred in their pockets and with that dream. It’s a dream paralleled with work, desire and persistence. It’s a melting pot of lone rangers. I think it’s because of this that family bonds seem to so effortlessly form and become so strong. Though not in relative, I consider myself lucky enough to have an LA family. I spent my first Christmas abroad this year, something I’d wanted to experience and was glad I got to. LA can be anywhere in the world, it just happens to be in LA for me. The cliché going somewhere to find yourself might just be more than that. The more I travel, the more I learn, the more I realise how little I know. I guess you find what makes you happy and you do it over and over. Practice becomes habit becomes you. LA.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 22:57:30 +0000

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