A Message of Hope for the Unequally Yoked This message is geared - TopicsExpress


A Message of Hope for the Unequally Yoked This message is geared more for women, but men may glean from it too. In the last few weeks I have been faced with the problem of homes with unequally yoked husband and wives. The wives are Spirit filled believers who walk out their faith. Many times in private ways unbeknown to their husbands. Not because they wish to hide their walks…but because they feel they have to. I have heard stories of the husband who doesn’t want anything to do with Jesus. Others who believe in Jesus but don’t read their bibles, don’t believe everything in the bible as truth and refuse to pray with their spouse. Other men who are jealous of Jesus and their wives relationship with Him. Some of these men are abusive. Most not physically…but mentally and verbally. The women feel isolated, imprisoned, confined and hindered. There is depression, anxiety, stress, sadness, brokenness, rejection, fear, anguish, disdain, hardening of heart, worry, a sense of being alone in the world. They love their spouse, but have lost the feeling of being IN love with their spouse. The body is broken. We are one flesh. When we marry and consummate that marriage, we become one flesh. So, when one part of the body is not in line with the other, there is turmoil. Healing needs to take place. The bible tell us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? The reason for this is clear. Life will be very difficult for those who do. The bible also tells us: I Cor. 7:13-15 13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. So, we are told to stay. If the unbeliever wishes to go, we can let them go. But it is better if they stay. For the bible goes on to say in verse 16: How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? These passages hold true for the husband/wife that says they believe in Jesus but don’t grow and even hinder the growth of others. As I stated, the women I am talking about have husbands that claim to know Christ, but they have not made Him Lord of their lives. And are even jealous of His relationship with their wives. So what do you do? I had a lady contact me and tell me she felt like she was at war. (she was) She is doing all she can to listen to Daddy God and do what He is leading her to do. Yet she feels like something is attacking her at every turn. (it is). She asked me to pray and let her know what I saw. This is what I saw. I saw a demon. A very large demon. He had a very violent posture. He hated her with everything in him. He was cursing at her, calling her horrible names. Like he was standing right next to her yelling his rage into her ear. If he couldn’t get her attention there, he would move in front of her trying to stop any forward motion. He was in a rage! This demon belonged to her husband. It was enraged because she was constantly in prayer to God for restoration of her marriage. She was warring for her husband to develop a love for God, his own relationship with the God and Father she knew and loved. This demon amongst others like him, caused her to lose sleep, to doubt herself, to question her motives, to lose her joy, to lose her peace. He would lie to her and tell her it was hopeless, give up, things would never change. This demon KNEW it was going to lose its host/home (in her husband) if she continued in her pursuit of her husband gaining his own freedom in Christ and truly knowing the King. She was praying for a Damascus experience for her husband. She had stirred up a hornet’s nest. Every demon responsible for holding back her husbands freedom and knowledge of Christ was at arms and ready to attack. But God showed me, because she was IN HIM she was protected. All the demons could do was buzz and swarm about. But they had no sting so long as she stayed close to Him. I saw that as she prayed, as she worshipped, as she simply spoke the name of Jesus, He (Jesus) stood next to her and His light caused every demon to flee. But now what? The woman feels a need to DO something. It is in our nature to want to do something to bring about a change. The golden key that can be used over and over again for all of life’s issues, is Love. We are to love when others are unlovable. Treat with kindness those who hurt us. Bless those who curse us. Exhort, lift up and edify those who cut us down, make us feel small, useless and unloved. When asked to walk one mile…go two. Do all things without complaint. Make no conditions for our love. God doesn’t. Ooooooh this is hard Lisa, what are you asking of me? You say. But we are to walk as our Master walked. In perfect love. Unconditional love. Papa said, Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you. We must trust the one who is trust worthy. He will send you the answers in HIS timing. We in the mean time must be patient in love and continue to lift up our spouse to the One who knows them and loves them best. He wants them close to Him MORE than you do. Remember that! It is your prayers that bring about the change. For some, I saw a hurricane. It represents the time you are in. Some are going through hell right now. Everything seems to be being destroyed. I saw where there would be a short season of calm (the eye of the storm) then it would go back to being horrible for a season again. But to know…the storm WILL pass. For others, you are in a season of sowing and reaping. Unbeknownst to you, you are reaping what you are sowing. God wants you to take a deep long look at yourself and your actions. Ask Holy Spirit to point them out. You are sowing seeds and reaping a harvest of what you have sown. You didn’t mean for it to turn out this way, but it is a rule and rules must be followed. What you sow, you shall reap. Are you sowing, love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, partnership, servant hood? Or are you sowing self, independence, bitterness, rejection, anger, strife, resentment, bossiness, I’m right, and the list goes on. Ask Holy Spirit. He will reveal these things to you in love. No condemnation. You must change the seeds you are sowing and in time…you will reap a new harvest!! Yay God!!! Giving birth hurts. But oooooh the joy of the new born babe. My love to you my sisters. Press into God. Seek His face. He will lead you if you are willing to follow Him. NOTHING is impossible with God. He wants your marriage whole more than you do. I love you! Lisa
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 14:17:53 +0000

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