A Muslim woman was stopped today and was told by a man that he - TopicsExpress


A Muslim woman was stopped today and was told by a man that he went to a Muslim Church. She looked at him puzzled, and said excuse me? Muslims do not have Churches we have Mosques. He said to her with a very serious tone, NO, do not call it that, those places are for terrorists!! Please take the time to read what I am about to tell you carefully: As a good citizen, I as a Muslim, would speak out and I am expected to report another Muslim who is engaging in terroristic actions or ones that would endanger the U.S.s well-being or is anti-American. Well get this: Grace Church in Eden Prairie, is bringing in so-called Muslim Experts to talk to fellow Christians on how to convert Muslims to Christianity and that there is a need to do that because we are recruiting terrorists. In all faiths we get educated on how to talk to others about our faith and explain it to them. That is if they VOLUNTARILY want to learn and it isnt supposed to be done in a way that is shoved down peoples throat. If we want to all work together against extremism and build a respectful community, we must ALL stand together against these types of actions. First of all, preaching wrong information about Islam from people who do not even get their education from proper resources and then granting them with a scholarly title based on false standards is demeaning to that religion and to me as a Muslim. Look at how they state he studied Sharia Law for 15 years, and knows the Koran word for word. They didnt even spell Quran properly. I challenge the people that they bring to recite the Quran in front of legitimate Muslim scholars to prove their memorization and to mention the schools where they got their Islamic education. I do not mind people having intellectual conversations, those are healthy. But not ones based on inaccurate information. So please, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, get your information about Islam from reputable scholars that knowledgeable MUSLIMS respect, not people who want to see it gone do. I will let you read the description for yourself: Dear Friends, The very real threat of persecution is all over the media. This is not just around the world, but right across the street where terrorists are being recruited and Christians being silenced. These realities can create a paralyzing fear and challenge our call to go and make disciples across the street and around the world. How should we respond? If you have not already, I encourage you to reserve your seat at the Unveiled 2014 Conference where some of the top leaders in ministry to Muslims around the globe will equip us, challenge our perspective and encourage us through what God is doing through His church. Register now to see the conference schedule along with a list of our outstanding line up of 14 speakers, most of whom have been through severe persecution for their faith (three speaker bios below). You will absolutely not want to miss it! If you have already registered, take time today to send this to a few others Gray and please pray for this unique and significant time for the Church. Christs love for Muslims and our response Ministry Conference. Some of the worlds most influential and highly esteemed Muslim Background Believers, scholars and front line ministry leaders get to the heart of the matter discussing unique perspective, critical issues, practices and mobilizing global impact. Session topics include: Muslim Evangelism, Ministry Philosophy, Contextualization, Insider Movement, C5, Common Word, Best Practices, The Cost of Discipleship, Our Response Who is this for: This conference is relevant for individuals, ministry leaders, and those working in or with agencies that are making an impact for Christ with Muslims-in their communities and around the world. After attending this conference, you will: Have a first-hand understanding of the Muslim background believers position on effective outreach to those under the veil of Islam. Experience an inside view of current events in the Middle East, and the needs and response of the indigenous church. Be alert to how your good intentions might have long-term dangerous consequences, and know how to biblically respond to culture and conflict. Understand persecution from the perspective of those who are being persecuted. Be prepared to speak directly and more effectively to Muslim friends and neighbors about Christ. Be part of a breakthrough in uniting the Church in their efforts to impact the Muslim world for Christ. Sam Solomon was raised as a Muslim in the Middle East and trained in Sharia law for 15 years. He is a recognized expert on the Koran, having memorized it word for word. After reading the New Testament he became a Christian. Today, as one of the leading authorities on Islam and Sharia law, Solomon is the executive director of FFM (Fellowship of Faith for the Muslims), co-founder of CCFON (Christian Concern for our Nation), and a senior lecturer and research co-coordinator with RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries). He teaches post-graduate courses for missionaries and nationals working in Muslim countries. Solomon has been called to brief US Congressmen, members of European Parliaments in Brussels and Strasbourg, and members of the British Parliament. A highly regarded human right activist, he has represented persecuted Christians in a number of countries. Dr. Jay Smith is famous for his unique evangelistic ministry: leading dozens of Christians to the world famous Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London, England where they meet face to face with hundreds of Muslims to make friends, answer tough questions, debate the latest research and ideas, and share their faith. He has been working with Muslims for over 30 years, including 23 years at the Speakers Corner. Smith travels internationally to teach Christian/Muslim Apologetics and Polemics, a strong written or spoken attack against someone elses opinions, beliefs, or practices. He heads up Hyde Park Christian Fellowship, emphasizing the use of Polemics when working with Muslims. Since 2001, Smith has taught Islamic studies in the US and Europe with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Georges Houssney is widely recognized for supervising the translation and publication of the Bible into clear, modern Arabic. Born in Tripoli, Lebanon, Houssney he came to faith in Jesus Christ as a teenager, and began to sense Gods call for full-time service among Muslims. Houssney writes and lectures internationally about ministry to Muslims, and he strives to awaken a new generation who will boldly proclaim the Gospel. In his book, Engaging Islam, Houssney shares from Scripture and from his own rich experiences about how to reach Muslims with the Gospel by coming to understand them on a personal level and by valuing the role we have as Christians to boldly preach the Gospel with conviction.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:57:29 +0000

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