A NOTE ON ACCOUNTABILITY President Barack Obama has undergone a - TopicsExpress


A NOTE ON ACCOUNTABILITY President Barack Obama has undergone a fibre optic throat examination and CT scan at the Walter Reid Military Hospital in Washington DC, and his symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation from acid reflux reported White House Chief Press Secretary. Its called accountability, and something our maximum rulers should learn from. One often wonders the cacophony and mystery that surround the state of health of occupants of Aso Rock and the numerous Government Houses in our state capitals. Late President Yar Adua was held hostage not just by Sturge Webber, but more by his spin doctors, who did an excellent job in mismanaging the information on his state of health, and fed a bewildered nation unprecedented porridge of lies. Governor Chime of Enugu State was absent for months and ruled Enugu in proxy. Governor Liyel Imoke of Cross River State had same fate. More laughable is the case of Danbaba Suntai, who following his helicopter crash remained in a near vegetative state, yet his handlers still concocted a cocktail of lies and even packaged him through the backdoor in the face of imminent impeachment. He even spoke words we couldnt hear, words only coherent to his con men! Madam goes to Germany regularly for medical trips, yet such are tagged state visits. The constitution clearly addresses the necessary state of action in the face of a rulers incapacitation and unavoidable absence. The lure of power is so magnetic in our clime, but it smacks of gross lack of understanding. What does power mean to a dying man after all? They should ask our late President, whose last days were made a living hell by his greedy wife and retinue of leeches, who were intent on bringing the nation to its knees. I hope we learn!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 07:35:45 +0000

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