A PERSONAL CLOSING MESSAGE By Dan Patrick Please like this - TopicsExpress


A PERSONAL CLOSING MESSAGE By Dan Patrick Please like this post and e-mail to your friends as well. Its now time for the final and biggest push. Thank you. I entered the race for Lt Governor on June 27th, 2013. Tomorrow, exactly 11 months to the day, we will elect our Republican nominee for Lt Governor to represent us in November against the Democrats. I ran because I believed we needed a change in leadership. I knew the race would not be an easy one. I knew I needed to raise about 6 million dollars and the work that would take. I knew I would need to travel the state many times over to meet voters and share why I believed I was the best candidate for the office. And I knew if the final match-up was between David Dewhurst and myself, which I believed it would be, I would likely be under relentless attacks and character assassinations based on his last campaign. I came to the conclusion that I didnt want to be sitting in my rocking chair one day, in my 80s, looking back when I was in my early 60s, as a Senator who could help shape the future of Texas for our shared conservative vision, and regret that I didnt have the courage to run. From the beginning the hand of God has been clearly in my race. God has guided, provided, and protected. I had faith I would be able to raise the money because where God guides He provides. I did raise the $6 million which was rather remarkable. We out raised Dewhurst. A significant portion of my money came from Conservative Christians who either had never been heavily involved in politics in a financially, or gave to me because of our shared vision for Texas. Thousands of people gave to our campaign including many of you on line. A stranger gave me a cross to carry in my wallet very early in the campaign. I placed it behind my license and see it every time I open it. Another man gave me a unique lapel in with an American flag and a cross. I wear it always. Another man told me about setting his phone alarm to 3:33 pm each day. The time was selected based on Jeremiah 33:3 known by some as Gods cell number verse. It reads: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you the great and unsearchable things you do not know. I put it on my phone and everyday at 3:33 my alarm goes off and I remember He is with me. Its a great oasis of peace in the middle of each day. I posted the story on FB last fall and 46,000 of my followers said they were going to do the same. If you havent go ahead and set your alarm. It will provide you comfort each day as well and serve as a reminder who is in charge. All across this state Ive met fellow believers who have prayed with Jan and me in their presence or who pray for us each day. And each day, every day, someone comes to me with wise council or encouragement that I know has come from God. This cloak of Gods love and guidance has kept me relatively stress free in what some would say should have been a very stressful period for me. As an old song says, Im too blessed to be stressed. Over the past 5 weeks the attacks have been some of the nastiest and most personal many political observers have ever seen. Once again Ive kept scripture close at hand. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prevail. I just keep moving forward. I also know that Im commanded to forgive my attackers and pray for them. Scripture says forgive them for they know not what they do. I told my staff early that I would not use personal attacks in my campaign. I wanted to focus on issues. Im proud that our campaign has not personally attacked the Lt Governor. I have no interest in his life of 25 to 40 years ago. I have pointed out the differences in our positions on key issues and leadership, but no personal attacks. I have said in every debate that I appreciated his public service but after 12 years, and especially last session, I felt it was time for new and bold conservative leadership. I wasnt running against anyone, but rather for my conservative values and our uncompleted conservative agenda. We must secure our border, reduce property taxes, pass school choice, prioritize water and transportation funding on a pay as you go basis, reduce debt, and not to appoint half of the Democrat Senators as chairmen of committees. Several people have asked me over the last few weeks if its been worth it and would I do it again. The answer is yes. The attacks have been tough on my family and me at times. However, the wonderful people I have met all across Texas, many who are now friends and who I didnt know months ago, greatly outnumber by 20 fold the attacks by my opponent and some of his supporters. My new friends are folks who volunteer to attend meetings and events for me, work the polls, make calls, put out signs, hold fundraisers, give money, and provide every other service a statewide candidate needs. The opportunity to run for state office has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I know Jan feels the same. The good times far outweigh the negatives. The people we have met along the trail will never be forgotten for their kindness, prayers, encouragement and support. I want to thank the 7 Senators who have endorsed me and the 26 House Reps who have endorsed us. ( My opponent doesnt have one legislator in current office campaigning for him. I think that sends a strong message ) I want to thank Governor Huckabee, Dr James Dobson. Ralph Reed, Pastor John Hagee, key Christian Conservative pastors and leaders across the state, countless precinct chairs, the true and real leaders of the Tea Party movement, and all of you on Facebook who send me encouragement every day. I need your help tomorrow. If you have not voted yet I ask you to please be sure to go and vote tomorrow. Call your family and friends and ask them to vote as well if they have not. If you have already voted for me thank you very much. I would ask that you also call or e-mail family members and friends and make sure they are go vote for me tomorrow as well. The turn-out will be small and every vote really matters. Together all of us have done the work. The final victory is in Gods hands God Bless, Dan Timothy 4:7 I have finished the race. I have fought the good fight. I have kept the faith.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 00:48:41 +0000

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