A Perfect read. 10 ISSUES TO REFLECT UPON AS WE APPROACH 2015 - TopicsExpress


A Perfect read. 10 ISSUES TO REFLECT UPON AS WE APPROACH 2015 In these last days of 2014, here are ten issues to keep in view as we prepare to enter 2015. If you find them helpful, you may consider taking one point per day for reflection and meditation, and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you in preparation for the new year. 1) Spiritually speaking, times have changed. God always deals with mankind in times and seasons, and when the times change, we need to quickly understand the change and respond appropriately to remain in tune with God’s programme (Romans 13:11, Matthew 24:3, Matthew 16:1-4, etc). Over the Church of Christ, time changed recently. We are in a new season. 1 Chronicles 12:32 makes it clear that an understanding of the times MUST stimulate a change. Do you understand the times we are in? How will this affect your walk with God and work for Him in 2015? 2) These are days that all must fix their eyes firmly on Jesus ALONE. Not on any pastor or minister. The judgment of God will cause some pastors/ministers to fall. If your eyes are on them, your faith may fall along with them. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and know that anything may happen as the Lord continues to prepare His bride for His imminent arrival. 3) God is placing a higher premium on obedience to His words. The partial obedience or disobedience that God used to ‘overlook’ some months/years ago, may now begin to attract recompense. If you need a single watchword for 2015, please make it this: OBEDIENCE. Prompt obedience. 4) These are days that NO CHRISTIAN should joke with his/her calling (or purpose). Because the time is short, unfulfilled ministries may be withdrawn and re-allocated to faithful people. For God’s assignment MUST be completed before the final curtains are drawn. How are you fulfilling your personal ministry/calling? What is the Holy Spirit telling you about 2015 in relation to your calling? 5) God, and His word, cannot be stranded. And so, God is bypassing some existing and established channels to speak to His people. From unknown faces, He is reviving the prophetic office, and raising prophets that will warn His people about the dangers of the last days. Be sensitive to whichever channel that God chooses to communicate with you. Please avoid the error in Matthew 13:55-57. But AS ALWAYS, the FINAL yardstick must always be the word of God. 6) Deception will become more rampant in 2015. Satan is smuggling in all sorts of falsehood into Christendom. False doctrines are being propagated by ‘men of God’ that satan has surreptitiously planted in the body of Christ. Masquerading as angels of light, these men are subtly changing the word of God, giving new interpretations, offering new ‘liberties’, and drawing men away from the sure foundation of God’s eternal commandments (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Sadly, many of God’s sheep are now acting as megaphones for the satanic doctrines. BEWARE! Read your Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to interpret God’s word to you (1 John 2:20,27). 7) Days of Separation. These are days that will begin to reveal the hearts of His followers – those that truly love Him, and those that just love the blessings that He brings. Like He ran away from the bread-seekers in John 6:15, Jesus will be withdrawing more and more from such people. God is making His ways clearer to the Church, so that we may be more focussed on His ways, rather than His acts (Psalm 103:7). In 2015, please keep your eyes on His ways, and very soon His acts will begin to follow you. 8) It is already destined and written that the coming of the Lord will catch many unawares. God’s word cannot be broken. But you can exclude yourself from the number that will be caught unawares by paying close attention to what the Holy Spirit is now saying to the Church in the last days. In 2015, it will be dangerous to be lukewarm in the Christian faith, or to sit in a lukewarm assembly. 9) You cannot be a spectator in the battle of the last days. To keep standing in the faith, you MUST be an active participant that is engaged in the warfare against the last onslaught of satan against mankind. He is desperate because he knows his time is short (Revelation 12:12). In relation to the end-time, Jesus said ‘WATCH and PRAY’ several times. If you are watching, what are you seeing? If you are praying, where are you praying? And what are you praying for? Are you earnestly praying ‘THY KINGDOM COME’? Jesus is coming for only those who love His appearing (2 Timothy 4:8). And those who love His appearing pray for Him to appear soon as He said (Revelation 22:20). 10) God’s reward is closer than we think. For those that will overcome the perils of this period by the help of God’s Spirit, the days of joy unspeakable are around the corner. Glorious days that will show that we have not laboured in vain for the sake of Christ. (Romans 13:11). Oh my comrades, keep the flag flying, the Captain of the host is around the corner. The Hope of the Ages is on His way. Our joy doth come! 2015 is a doorway to great things in our walk with Christ. Rejoice. Thanks for reading, God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:53:02 +0000

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