A Potential Shift in Conciousness, Magic Always and Wolf/floW - TopicsExpress


A Potential Shift in Conciousness, Magic Always and Wolf/floW Spell Work: (From a Southern Perspective) Its about time that we consider the energy that plenty of us work with in ritual and ceremony and whether it still has impact in our growing hitech world. The origins of plenty root back into the Middle Eastern Neolithic paradigm of 7,000 plus years ago...the time of the emerging SeaSun cult...Sumer/Shu.Mer meaning sun&sea. These folk used the Boestraphedon way of writing that gave equal prefereance to right and left. (Boestraphedon means as the ox pulls the plough across the field to till the soil.) So one could read from either direction and receive meaning from what you read. Today we still have left to right (eg English) or right to left (eg Hebrew) reading scripts. The solar cycle was of primary importance to this group of people as it was for all later agricultural, horticulturl and pasturalists. Growing of crops and the later harvesting & storing of produce for the winter was important and ceremonies/rituals were designed to have maximum impact on this process. These people were also traders who sailed the oceans, hense the sea part of their name. They were vendors who created a maritime tradition. (Trade...trad-ition.) The Shabat or as we know it - Sabbath - was celebrated at the time of full moon, not a Saturday! (The word Tsab means star...) The lunar cycle, the movement of the planets and the distant stars was also important to these Neolithic and Bronze age farmers and townsfolk who lived off the land....one of their many gods was Adonai Tsabaot...the Lord of Hosts of Heaven. The word RITUAL is still important for us to understand today: it comes from the word RiT meaning furrow, groove or rut. (This was the rut the seed was planted in to root! This started a dynamic process!) Like sigils and symbols we use, ritual grooves out a recognised pattern in the aethers, reinforsed everytime it is repeated. Words that flowed from this are: rite, right, root, route, routine, rhythm, rate, rote, ....the ancients didnt use vowels. The opposite words from TiR are tar, tare, target, terra, tire, attire...and many more, all connected to earth rites, things from the earth, underground things. (These are spells from which come much of the magic we know.) Our everyday routine is a rite, yet we have forgotten that it casts a spell. How conscious of what we are doing are we? What are we furrowing out? Are we causing a rut in our lives or are we grooving to the rhythm of a good tune? A divine consciousness pervades all. This is the Magic Always. Everything we are is touched by this creative energy. We no longer belong with pastoralists or agriculturalists. We are no longer the fire keepers or shaman who lived close to the fields. We by and large are city people. Many if us live in huge expanding metropolises! A new way is opening up to us now. A time of dynamic change in which we can redesign our ceremonies and rituals. We are ready to unfold our wings as the emerging Earth Keepers, but from a different perspective than the past. This is our reality. We have to reinvent ourselves! Who are we? We hold space for others, primarily. We facilitate healing processes, we assist in our circles, we open up ourselves to earth medicine again...things natural rather than chemically produced in factories. We cast spells with everything that we do. We are balanced and know parity rather than opposition. We need a new name! And we have to let the old ways go to allow the future to flourish. We cannot go on reinforsing a tradition that is not ours....because we are not there any longer. The past 22 years has changed our world. We live in the Taripaypacha...the time sinse 1992, when the www or Internet was born. We are meeting ourselves again. We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:04:49 +0000

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