A Resolution in support of the replacement of Lindsey - TopicsExpress


A Resolution in support of the replacement of Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham is no Conservative Republican! While entrusted with the office of Senator by the voters of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham has committed a long series of actions that are fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party, Among which are the following: Supported arming Al Quaeda/Muslim Brotherhood Revolutionaries in Syria (June 2013) Supported amnesty but not border control (June 2013) Supported NSA spying on private American citizens (June 2013) Supported massive new internet sales tax (May 2013) Supported restrictions on the Second Amendment (April 2013) Supported Obamas drone program against American citizens (March 2013) Supported subordinating American sovereignty to the United Nations, Sen. Jim DeMint Opposed the Law of the Sea Treaty(November 2012). Supported giving foreign aid to terrorist governments in the Middle East (November 2011) Supported restricting the First Amendment rights to criticize Islamic radicalism (April 2011) Opposed making Bush Tax cuts permanent (December 2010) Supported Obamas radical appointments to the Supreme Court The only Republican to vote yes with the Democrats to approve Elena Kagan (July 2010) Supported Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court (August 2009) Sided with Democrats on government regulation to combat climate change (October 2009) Criticized the South Carolina GOP for defending the Republican platform (October 2009) Supported Obamas energy taxes and Cap and Trade (August 2008) Supported bailouts for financial institutions (TARP) (July 2008) Praised Hillary Clintons in a Time Magazine article claiming common ground with her programs, and calling her a smart, prepared, serious and unlimited future prospects for higher office. Oposed medical malpractice tort reform (2004) Failed to prevent Majority leader Harry Reid from putting funding for Obamacare back into the recent continuing resolution. Lindsey Graham has lost the confidence of many Republicans in his ability to serve as Senator representing the people of South Carolina in a manner consistent with the platform of the Republican Party.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:57:01 +0000

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