A SPORT THAT SHOULD BE DESTROYED I tell you what, if there is - TopicsExpress


A SPORT THAT SHOULD BE DESTROYED I tell you what, if there is one area of this American consumer culture that Im really getting ticked off about, its this double standard 2- facedness of generosity. People dont want anything near them. We have this saying called, NIMBY- not in my backyard! People dont want anything near them, especially if it might help somebody else. You know, part of our wonderful American generosity that we offer. People want more things like prisons. People say, build more prisons.... but not here! Why not? Whats wrong with that? Wouldnt that make the crime rate go down in your neighborhood? I mean people are scared of criminals breaking out. Well, even if they do break out, what do you think theyre going to- hang around and check realistate trends? No way...theyre gone! Another area thats double standard and hypocritical is the issue of homelessness. We need to do three things: 1. Change the name of it. Its not homelessness its houselessness, its houses these people need. Home is a setting, an abstract idea and a set of mind. House is a strong physical structure that these people. 2. People dont want to help these people because theres no money in it. Thats were the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10). People to want to help anybody else unless they benefit with $$$. We need to help others and not expect anything in return. Jesus warned about this, being the servant instead of a master (Matt. 23:8-12; Mk. 9:34-35). 3. Where do you put these people. Well I have an idea. I believe this would solve the the homeless issue. We put them in one place where its not needed for anything else..... GOLF COURSES! I mean, think about it. A lot of good land and good neighbors being wasted on a meetingless and mindless activity; which is engaged by primarily white well- to- do business men who plays the game to get together to better make deals of how to carve this country finer for and among themselves. Now I dont know about you but I am getting VERY sick and tired of these golfing sissys with her checkerboard pants, their precious little hats, their pretty shirts, and their sun tan skin. The government needs to reclaim the courses from the wealthy and give them to people like the homeless, for the right purpose. Golf is an arrogant, irritating, and pointless game that takes up way too much freakin room in this country. Way too much room! Just the design of it speaks loudly of arrogance. Its a boring games for boring people who dont have much of a life. 4.And a racist... yes i stated it, a racist game. Theres another pet peeve of mine. The only black Americans youll see at most golfing clubs are carrying trays. Only a few minority players, such as Tiger Woods, have dominated professional golf. Woods is of African American and Asian descent. With 83% golf participants being white, a white majority dominates golf. 5. The other problem is the size and the quantity of these golf courses. Theres so much land and the little ball is the size of a human eye. What do they need with all that land? Make them go to the miniature golf course and play with a windmill for a half an hour. Make them spend time with little kids; maybe give him a golf lesson. On a minor note, heres the other thing. These people who play the sports dont deserve all these millions. I guarantee you, if the governemnt took away all of their overpaid income and gave them a simple salary like most fast food managers have, you could put a big dent in this national debt we have. Ill guarantee you that! There are all over 17,000 golf courses in the United States alone. That averages over 150 acres a piece, thats 3 million plus acres, equivalent to 4,820 square miles. With all that land you could build to Rhode Islands and a Delaware for the homeless. We need to do away and get rid of this arrogant, racist, and white dominating game and give it to people for the purpose of helping somebody else!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:57:29 +0000

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