A Sunday thought... We have been thinking a lot about breathing - TopicsExpress


A Sunday thought... We have been thinking a lot about breathing correctly and allowing Prana, our universal life force energy, to flow through our bodies. Everyone at Clarity Yoga studio is very excited about Charlies workshop next weekend where we will be learning how to use breath and bandhas effectively in our yoga practice. For those of you who dont know what bandhas are, these are a very important part of yoga and meditation practice. There are four bandhas which are found in different parts of the body and when we actively engage them, we can control the flow of energy around our bodies. Try to imagine them as a kind of body lock point which can help us to hold our postures by grounding us and giving us strength. The first bandha is the Mula Bandha and it is found deep within the pelvic area. If you stand upright and take a deep breath in, then move your hips and buttocks slightly backwards and forwards in a gentle curving motion then you will be engaging Mula Bandha. Once you have found a neutral position somewhere in the middle then your body will be grounded and ready for yoga practice or any kind of activity. Imagine that your body is a tree and the Mula Bandha is the trunk.... When the trunk is strong and centred then the tree will stand tall and proud. Try engaging your Mula Bandha and see how tall you can stand and then carry that feeling through the week. You will feel lifted and grounded at the same time. Enjoy the sun!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:17:40 +0000

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