A Swedish-Nordic demagogue of theirs: Myrdahl, Gunnar. Objectivity - TopicsExpress


A Swedish-Nordic demagogue of theirs: Myrdahl, Gunnar. Objectivity in Social Research. Chapter: XXI Inhibitions and How they are Gradually Overcome; Chapter XXII: Theoretical Escapism; an Chapter XXIII: Conclusion. New York: Random House Patheon Books, 1969, 97-111 (97-101, 102-108 and 109-111 respectively). As a political force, this living and, on an abstract level, generally accepted ideal that greater equality is desirable, of course, encountered the vested interests of those who were better off and who would have had to make sacrifices. Everywhere there has been a chasm between the lofty egalitarian principle concerning the nature of a more perfect society and the very imperfect rality we permit to exist around us. In this uncomfortable situation people have been grasping for rationalizations in order to reconcile with their exalted ideals their valuations on the lower level that for the most part determine their day-to-day living, including their voting in elections. ....I discussed the structure of distorted beliefs, stereotypes and popular theories which become the instruments of peoples efforts to present reasoned opinions to themselves and their surroundings. On element of these structures is the belief that a racial group or all poor people are different by nature [or inexperienced ot be constructuvely in power, lacking cumulative lifetimes of experience and resultant niceness pursuant to said learning inherent in ones contemporary lifetime as a unique human being of instincts and reflexes condition in this life but also past phsyically and mentally to be who they inherently are and more, with evolution in all lives based on historical and legal learning and improvements, and economic and so-on, in all fields, the networ is intolerably reactionary and also in language use of the English language not just archaic in concepts and activism, all of which seems to be pulling all the wrong way so as to not to be competitive but dirty competitive and decidedly unfair and sneering, hootnig unfair and excited to so laugh about injustice; note one as an individual howeevr sophisticated cannot take responsibility for the seditionists inherent in all out of control and destructive movement of the masses however sanctioned and rationalized for momentum they need or need for own power as radicals, to stay there, however lame the output of the so-called boom-box by now, the 20th Century experience with the so-called Modern 100 Years War said reactionary while radical element now perceives a progress and also unfairly credits in achievemens to itself collectively as a phenomenon which is funny some of it now that we think of it after the said 100 Years, post Wars of Roses, those of us participant in the Medical Hundred Years War as kings already not just philosopher kings in then so-called Wars of Roses, with frew flowers to mention in the 20th Century after the radical rousing of the rabble against the junker sense and also palace juniors and seniors at the time, campus riff-raff, radical junior army officer and his NCO v. upper class controls]. Another element is that the poor and the destitute have themselves to blame for their misfortunes. They have not taken advantage of their opportunities [correctly]. Their intellectual and moral inferiority is generally considered to be confirmed by common experience. To counter th einference form such observations, the social scientists have a general argument: namely, that the currently observed inferiority in some groups is itself a result of earlier inequalities which repressed them. But it was opportunistic for people ot believe that this was not the ful explanation. Then there is the idea that reforms for equalization would hold back economic progress [illegalyl equalizing on one hand and stealing capital assets so as to prevent superior decision making which is also acnestrally and self entitled, this by libel, for reactionary results and facilitation fo criminal element to be seated as decision makers colelctive and individual over superiors capital assets and pandering to the masses thry use as a batetring ram and ogre grade threat to facilitate thieving and also as suits them geenral dumb-down and even rudeness should it come in handy, hate crmies, systematic anniliation of the huam type even suitable for being authentic as members of upper class and not only in stolen physical likeness to be indoctrinated by said radicals to achieve in substitute decision-making noxious outcomes and also injustice os vile it inspires state and other terrorism for lack of decency and proper legal recourse, te network is too dumb and violent to have ever bothere with it, some mannerist while stonewalling and spouting logical and legally not at all valid statements as fabrications and hence gibberish, proprgandizing and chanting forward war aims such as to murder for money, there is no progress with these people of any kind in anything, only their perception of economic growth from blatantly wrongful deicsions and also their continued argument all gain power this way and so deserve they: without capacity to well reason, hear hear, did I ever swindle them, and then go to the masses to have fraud enforced by criminal methods and also promoting police as a form of criminals and engaged in a comedy of errors and the so-called slapstick or Judy & Punch spectacle murders as a function of total societal lack of propriety and lawfulness, total breach othe social contract yet again by ideologue of the French Revolution and more and stupid lower classes elevated to dominant decision making by hiring enforcer ogres to let them gain what they want en masse, battering superior individuals and also social class. Some work, to continue] by decreasing th emotivation of the [so-called] poor to strive, work, and save when relieved from pressing wants and insecurity. Even in an advanced country like Sweden, it was no more than a generation ago that such arguments were posed by the conservatives against the social security reforms then being promoted on an increasingly lerge scale. The common assumption that redistributional reforms are costly for society as a whole and not only for the rich is apparent in the fact that such reforms have continuously been motivated only in terms of social justice. When, in those countries which have achieved most egalitarian reform, the idea has emerged -and in more recent times become confirmed by research-that the reforms have spurred economic progress and thus, from a national point of view, been a profitable investment [looters always think they are], as a rule this has been an afterthought. Finally, but not least important, comes what may be called the convenience of ignorance. It can be observed that in the compromise thinking and living which is normal when a gross disparity exists between the equality ideal and a social reality characterized by glaring inequalities, people who live in comfortable circumstances have usually succeeded in remaining ignorant of the poverty and distress around them. Ignorance - like knowledge - is seldom random but is instead highly opportunistic, as we have argued throughout this book and illustrated [elsewhere in the book]. This last observation may give a clue to an understanding of one reason why the egalitarian idea had, one the whole, been winning and has resulted in social reforms. Empirial social science studies in the great English survey tradition form early in the 19th Century have undoubtedly played their part [had a role, and acted for us, they and we in accounts of it must now it seems stop the global spectacle, they are cursing Shakespeare for all shaken and speared, since 1819, and indeed the Judeo-Christian Crusades and 1 A.D./not dominus noster theirs, we do not have one]. And the spread of embarrassing knwoledge has been one of the consqeuences of greater articulateness on the part of the poor themsleves and of efforts of their political organizations to plead their cause and bring them to fight for it. For the world at large, the secretariats of the intergovernmental organizations within the U.N. have in the post-war era, through their rseearch and publications, effectively spread information about the great poverty in the underdeveloped countries and the widening income gap between them and the developed countries. Moreover, the same organizations have been utilized by the poor countries to endorse complaints and demands for greater equality. Meanwhile, in the developed countries, the rise in productivity has given egalitarian reforms mor elbow room [stock phrase again, and indeed not funny also is elbow grease]. People have realized that the reforms did not ruin the economy [it was them, agree, not us, the network, and still at it] - as the opponents had regularly forecast-and recently observers have come to understand (with the aid of empirical research) that the greater equality achieved form the reforms was actually productive form the national point of view. Consequently, th epolitical possibiltiies of reform finally expanded. As the reform movement gathered momentum and increasing public suport under these influences, we have been abel to witness how the most advanced welfare state the political parties have begun to complete with each other in propagating reforms. The state is becomeing then what the Swedish political scientists has termed the Service State, eager to cater to their clients the citizens. [Not really.] What is still limiting the pace of this movement is the scarcity of funds as subjectively conceived by the ordinary citizen even in the richest countries. He is apt to demand more and more of those public undertakings which contain egalitarian reforms-for instance better health and school facilities [some are awful regardless what their budgest are and have been as compared to others, it si the culture of it and aesthetic, human relations, the social contract, the curriculum, the content, medium the message, to parahrase Marshall McLuhan of Canada, some all structure and no content really, bland, trite or evil or all three plus nice or not nice aesthetically] - yet at the same time s/he is likely to restst higher taxes [particularly if no value for money is engineered for them and all learn is spite of their efforts to deny in effect education, taking losses sucha as say 15% in their grades all the time fo ranti-diplomacy and while overcomign sabotage, some 25%, sasid being mediocre at their pathetic best with advantage always created for them and arguably otherwise, said are fiendish in their envy and jealousy which illegally extends to even someone smiling at you and a sneer is likely to follow from their camp to disrupt it, they steal spouses also at gunpoint and rape them in agent marriage to the network to steal faces and later with said faces capital assets lying about earnest adn dignified sentiment ever towards persons like theirs, it cannot be done, interracially in particular and out of all political rationales recognized as valid by us and not them; they are CRAPPAK and the GC, Government of Canada and the E.U. with USA and Israel also U.N. operating illegally in Canada at the Security Council level acting in favor of noxious state takeover], at least too rapid increase in taxes, and often s/he demands lower taxes. These easily explainable but irrational attitudes [not irrational] on the part fo the citizenry (wanting much for little [, arguably]) have habitually [examples needed, prior text presumed thin on them on account of the book and statement] led even the richest countries-and not least those-to inflation and foreign exchange difficulties. In the USA and to varying degree in the other rich countries too, the staggering fiscal burden of wars and war preparation and of other public understanding (such as space programs) of no immediate interest [as in mundane, while spent on and rationalized as necessary, it is implicit here there would no end to argued mundane need, no value-added if all demands were met all the time] [...] have been slowing down the reform movement [such potentially endless pressure]. It is then suggested in the next paragramh economis theory as such knows to protect itself from its own radical premises: it does. Population explosion in the Malthusian sense will and does dissipate any expected gains in the standard of living the arguement goes and the worlds wealth is easy to dissipate in the masses as capital assets used up and vanished with incraesingly little available to use wisely, faces also indeed, persons replaced by poor substitutes of selves but en masse as surplus humanity and mis-taught while also to be aggressive is the ultimate nightmare, as if giving rise to human locusts in attitude, state agents illegally born and the human surplus at that selves not us and any normal person. They are the ones who are ideological and also hatefula nd lies about being orphans or others their mothers and fatehrs and also with false name tags attacking, stealing names and wealth to go with faces and also proper sentiment is not known to them in mind or body, only crass and lewd aggression in promoting where it is that they all came from, their maker the criminals in the said asset takeove network: most nurse-soldiers, priest. They are also made low IQ so less than thou can aspire to control them, use and abuse, as not the authentic, all of it totally wrong, and particularly in creeping mass outcomes. The network cannot be personified to others and also validated socially, only are they used as a swarm which robs and batters others and also is less than they are all the time and socially fraudulent, with ulterior motives and thieving, dorty competitive, a Trotskyite swarm mentally at the level of a not at all well educated 15 year old unlike we were as preppy and bookish in our aspirations and expected 100 year lifespan not about 25 for everything and dead by 30, all except their perverted makers, to use and abuse, and there always being variations of more where they came from. Then there is the idea that interventions hamper all including production. How true, and some are obsessed with them in their plotting and pestering and conniving and seeking a way in to try to do damage in their debilitate-kill fundraising, since 1994. They think in terms of lechery and causing pain. Somehow they will try to spoil lives which is to be denied them. Their thinking is sadist and masochists do not exist other than them again church indoctrinated and falsely composed in proper logic, also in rationales of proper language use and politeness, and jurisdiction (immunity, diplomatic and sovereign and the social contract, they do not have a law they recognize and are more like sharks seeking a bitable object or a swarm of locusts looking for a fmaily tree to sit on it to surround every leaf-member and cannibalize it then start arguing it theirs, illegally as strangle-vine uses the structural supports of the tree-trunk and even so blooms pretending to be of the tree it defoliaged climbing up on it, trained to do so, a contortion not found in nature, some of it, in the how-to, and the contrived results achieved by constant irritation and also abnormal development, stunted, and inappropriately encouraged by an obsessed and improper pruner sans right to). Research questions to ask: where did this lofty ideal come from? WOLFSON COLLEGE? ISAIAH BERLIN, HERBERT WOLFF? ANNA SCH. AKHMATOWA said livid lawyers whose language we do not speak. POETESS as also SHAMELESS HINIE FLORAL ZAGUDULIN STEINBERG GATAULIN as gay kidnaper known in Ireland s male ogre called SHAMELESS HINIE HEINI to MRS> MALAPROP: SEAMUS HEANEY. How awful. Rest and all in scheme need quit also.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:01:30 +0000

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