A THIEF>>>>>> We all hate you thieves, well hate is a strong word - TopicsExpress


A THIEF>>>>>> We all hate you thieves, well hate is a strong word and we are instructed in life NOT to use the word hate, but we all dislike you that steal, but as Christians, we are to pray for you. If you are a thief, or even thinking of stealing, read on to what I want to say. Dont do it. People work so hard for all they have. We all have families and children and grandchildren and its so hard for us to buy whatever we have in the first place, but we love our family, so we get up, go to work, and we earn our money for our family. We choose NOT to lay in our nice warm beds that we earned, and we choose NOT to watch TV all day that we worked and earned, and we burn gas to get to work that we are grateful to have a job, but we do it all cause GOD expects us to, we were taught better, and we had rather give to others that to rob our neighbors. We all, mostly, believe in a Higher Being, a Supreme Father, our GOD, and we do all we do to Please HIM first and foremost, and our family. Many times when we are away from whatever type home we live in, honestly, and whatever belongings we have that we worked and earned, there are some of you that rob us, you take what is NOT yours, you rip up our homes, you take our childrens toys, toys that have a very special meaning to our kids. Perhaps its a gaming system that a deceased grandparent gave to them their last Christmas here on earth and you take it! You take it to get oneself high, or to resell for whatever reason you took it to start with, but to the child you took it from, it can NOT be replaced. Sure it goes out of date, but to the child you took it from, that child would have kept that gaming system until the day they drew their last breath, let it collect dust, but it was the meaning that system meant to that child. You took it, it was not yours to take. Some of you laugh about it, some of you brag of how much you get by with, when actually, you got by with nothing, for GOD knew you would do it before you actually done it, and I feel so sorry for you all that steal..why? Because GOD will deal with you all, each one that robs another will pay and pay dearly. You might rob 6 houses, or 1, or perhaps 25 or more, but you will be caught and you will be dealt with. Let me tell you a brief story. My husband once had a car stolen by three men. They were young and thought themselves funny. In less that 1 hour they wrecked the car by hitting a telephone pole that split the car down the middle, all three were killed. Was it worth that? It was an old car, hardly even run, but it cost them their lives. To all of you that rob others, whether it be their pockets, their garages, their homes, or the grocery stores, you will pay for it dearly, eventually, you will be caught or worse yet, GOD will have his way with you....I do not think that GOD causes anything bad to anyone, even a thief, but I do think that GOD will step-back to get your attention by letting the devil have his way with those that rob the innocent in order to get your attention. To all you that rob and steal, I say to you, take it back to the owner, if you once went there to steal, you can go there again to return it, or take it to a Fire Depart. and put the address you stole it from, but get it out of your possession and do the right thing, before you wish you had NOT gone down a path that will cost you everything before its all over. Its never too late to change your life and just think what a testimony you might can carry to your family, to your church family, and to the students in all our schools, for its those that take the wrong paths that can relate to those who are thinking of doing what some many have already done. Hate a thief, no, but its so wrong, and I just hope there are more of us praying for the thieves to see the right way in life than there are those that rather steal from innocent hard-working people. My very own granddaddy was hit and killed by a drunk driver, all we had that was left of him was a double-barrel shotgun and somebody stole that, so that is the hurt the innocent are left with.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:42:13 +0000

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