A TRUE STORY Some thirty years ago, give or take.. I was just - TopicsExpress


A TRUE STORY Some thirty years ago, give or take.. I was just finishing up a job for this old boy, he came outside to take a look at the completed job and offered up the mandatory thanks for a clean n tidy job to my surprise, he gave me something, telling me that he wanted me to accept it... he said it was very old and had a great deal of value.... I chatted with him a while about what he wanted me to accept. he said its ancient and very rare.... well, I accepted what I was offered without much of a look to be honest, but, showed sincere grattitude... At the time ? my thoughts were little more than doddery old gent.. but hey, he was a real nice old guy, genuine, amiable and very liberal with a cuppa... We talked about many different things during lunch beaks when he popped out with a brew... he seemed to have a whole lot to say about the world we live in, and most I guess was from experience, unlike me at the time... young, naive and very impressionable..... I never asked him why he offered me the gift that I accepted, or why he gave away something of personal value so freely.. and I cant return and ask the question now, he has long departed... Anyways, I remember thinking (when I finally did get a chance to contemplate my gift) that.. Wow.. for something so ancient and rare... the images were so clear, colourful, so vibrant, unfortunately, the images were a bit difficult for me to understand at the time.. and that, I guess, was where the problem was with this unselfish gift... it was so colourful...and yet it was supposed to be this artifact for want of better description, Well, I took it all with a pinch of salt....who wouldnt ? however, I kept them none the less.. Kept them and let them gather dust.... unseen, decaying and for the most part.... forgotten..... they were infact left ignored for many years.. until something caught my eye.. Something that reminded me of what I had been given... Twenty or so years ago I started reading the Nostradamus Centuries....His Quatrains...and his letters to loved ones etc... something caught my eye whilst I was reading his Epistle to King Henry 2nd.. Nostradamus claimed to have offered to Vulcan ( destroyed by fire) his secret possessions... the ones that he had based his Quatrains on.... The divine was always merged with the movement of astrological bodies, those are Nostradamus words not mine... He claimed to be able to see the future by using astrology and this divine element... I have to add,, that my initial thoughts about this divine stuff was just 15th century desription of the bible.. and I guess it is worth mentioning that I do not own and have never read a bible...nor was I given an ancient one.... Confused yet ? Yeah, so was I... oh and I guess your wandering if there is any point to what I am writing ? who knows....who cares....... but Ill try to elaborate where possible... and hopefully I wont bore you......but hey, you dont have to read it !!.... Anyways,,, whilst Im sitting here writing about ancient things ? it has reminded me of a very funny encounter with that old eccentric actor Ollie Reed.. and I would like to share it with you.. You see, my old boss ( when I was merely an apprentice) liked to think that he was in with the celebrities and the hoy poloy of our little rock.... He was the best dressed builder I have ever met.... I still wouldnt consider laying blocks & bricks in a shirt and tie !! but to Barry it was just normal, part of his personna, i guess....he was a charming man, and social to the max.. but he had a special interest in who he knew... I think the thing that sums him up is Name Dropper .. He often told us of his antics with Ollie, and well known local Politicians and Businessmen.... Every now and again ? he would say, Ill take you to meet him of words to that effect, to be honest ? I really didnt give a toss who he knew, Id seen him in a couple of movies... but they were at best forgettable.. and to me ? my own social life overran anything that the gaffer was throwing at me banter wise... There came a particular morning when barrhy started yabbering on about brick pillars and archways at Ollies house So, finally (yawn) he gets his way... he takes us down to Ollies house to work.. we arrive 8am .... they started chatting, we started working, they start drinking and we work some more, until that is, we had to also start drinking and listening to the anomoly that was Mr Reed... I have to say.. he seemed nice enough and was a very convincing story teller.. and he was telling us about his aquisitioon of a movie manuscript a true story he tells us.. Well, if he was tellin lies ? he would have done very well on the Texas Holdem Circuit.. he had the best poker face Id ever seen !! you see, hes telling us about a purchase he had made in london... a new business acquaintance (code for drinking buddy, I guess) offered him an ancient chinese manuscript for a film.. Ollie.. must have been a fairplay kind of gent anyhows.. cus he dipped into his bank account and gave this guy a substantial payment for the manuscript... but shrewd too, me thinks... because he left with a manuscript for a film never considered for or seen by the british film making industry.. So off goes Ollie. manuscript in hand. and consults a translator for this previously unseen masterpiece.... Well, Ollie must have been really pissed off when he was told that what he had in his possession was a 1952 chinese telephone directory !! I looked him in the eye on his completion of the story,, waiting, waitng for the giveaway leg-pull face to appear, Nothing, not a change of expression what-so-ever...i think he had mastered his skills as an actor to the max !! Thankfully, what I was given would prove to be far removed from anything like Ollie had received....surely, he was jesting, was he not ?? Now. where was I ?, oh yeah, The Nostradamus Centuries or Quartrains as they are known.... and the stark similarities they have with what the little old gent gave me.... Nostradamus had penned his prophecies in a book for all to view.. I had been given a series of wonderfully colourful images..but I am sure they are connected, and, it is the connection between the two is what I am writing about... you see, Nostradamus. wrote his Centuries and Quatrains . in my opinion - in the same way a gambling tipster lays - information... what do I mean by that ?? well its simple, a Tipster will always validate the winning information after it has happened ? you know what I mean... I have had 4 wiinners so far this week !! all with very good odds making a very good profit .... Similarly, all good Nostradamus research experts would probably indicate that the Quatrains are the confirmation of a particular event, or ? after eventing for want of better words... making him a very tidy Prophet.... I do not have a book of text prophecies or anything like that to offer you !! I am not going to try to spell out the future either... What I have been given are vibrantly colourful yet ever so simple images, images and symbols, some were immediattely easy to understand at a glance, others initially, were totally incomprehensible to me !! however, the more I researched occult symbology, sygils and ancient glyphs and hieroglyphs etc ?.. the more I easily understood what it was that I had been given.......allow me to explain.. Below is a simply written verse or Quatrain,, easy to translate from old french and latin what is interesting about it is - how it works - Nostradamus Century 2 Quatrain 5 - That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish, Out will go one who will then make war,,, He will have his fleet well rowed by sea,, Appearing near Latin land..... Can you see it ? The Quatrain clearly indicates that a Uboat would be seen in future times.. seen, and, used in later centuries a a vessel of war... Did Nostradamus Prophesise this future event ?.. or, is something else going on ?? Ok, I have to admit,, copy and pasting a quatrain and saying - Look, a uboat isnt a very convincing way of telling you that you should stay a while and read bit of my post, but Ill try to make it a little more interesting (although that isnt the point of the post)..... Century 1 Quatrain 1 - Sitting alone at night in secret study; it is placed on the brass tripod. A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and makes successful that which should not be believed in vain. Well, WTF.... can you understand that ? Experts believe Nostradamus was telling us what he did..... well, from what I read into it.... its as though he is getting very stoned with some kind of Morrocan Bong, and then going into a trance state.... I have to add, if that was all you needed to do to predict the future ?, Id be rich !!.. Of course though, we have the modern day astrologers that know exactly what he was doing... they know because it is something they are trying to sell themselves - readings cost money !! They would have us believe that like Nostradamus, they too, can predict events that are in written in the heavens, even our every day functions as human beings can be guided by the movement of stars... Is that something that you buy into ?.... We are all obviously deeply connected to ther universe, its obvious... but do we need a seer to predict our interaction with it ? I think not !! Moving ever so swiftly on.. (your opinion of the above is your entitilement, this is a simple post, not a debate) take a look at this verse - Century 1 Quatrain 17 For forty years the rainbow will not be seen. For forty years it will be seen every day. The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen. Sound Familiar ? Ok, Ok, its biblical in event and description (that everyone has heard of).. but you would have to ask again, wouldnt you ? What is going on in these books of verses ? Some are biblical, some are incoherant, some are futuristic ???.... How do we make head or tail of anything until it has passedc us by ? Century 1 Quatrain 17..... This is the reason I remembered the images I had been given all those years ago.. The floods are biblical.. the quatrains are reflecting the biblical passage, for me anyways... This was the 1st time that I had read something that connected the images I possess, to something outside of their protective cover... You see, although the images are mostly symbols that have no apparent order to them ? I realised that one page within the collection also has the story, if story is the correct interpretation ? One page in particular had two spheres, side by side, at the top of the page... Funny thing is, it was obvious at a glance, that it was Earth, both pictures... there was however a massive difference between the two Earths .... At this point, I seem to have reminded myself of the reason I started researching Nostradamus in the first place !! It was the uboat verse. (above).. I mean come on !! Hundreds of people have tried to cash in on the so called Nostradamus Code, but if the 1st verse Id ever heard was that easy to understand ? how would the other verses hold up to a simpleton ?.. then there really is no code !! I have to add that - something has always bothered me, right from the very 1st time I read or heard the verse, I cant remember which, to be honest !! Its this - How can someone predict the future ? How is it possible for a simple verse to be so accurate, especially when you consider the times they were written in !! The answer is simple.. The future is not predicted.. the future is manufactured, manipulated, from ancient books, legends and myths... I mean, where is the surprise on peoples faces when they hear of war ? its not there !! Why, because of the ancient texts...The Prophecies fulfilled......and people buy into it... One thing is for sure, I wasnt expecting to be able to make connections to what I have in my possession.. So, I decided to dig a little deeper, read and study as much ancient and occult information as I could, but as you well know - if it is written by men ? then it can be manipulated too.....Take science, for instance !! - One of the most dangerous things mankind has allowed scientists to do ? oh, and dont start quoting Nuclear War under your breaths Thats Natural, thats mankind, thats the system we have built for ourselves... The most dangerous thing we have allowed Science to attempt ? Finding God !! The Higgs Bosun, The God Particle.... There is not a scientist alive today that knew the real safety levels required in the search for the Higgs Bosun !! Could the experiment cause a catastrophe ? Century 9 Quatrain 44 Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn will be converted from gold to iron, RAYPOZ will exterminate all who oppose him, Before the coming the sky will show signs. All of sciences most dangerous experiments are taking place near Geneva, thing is.. if anything goes really badly wrong ? Hey its ok, it was in the quatrains.... So, do you see how they chose the location for the planets most dangerous experiments ? Anyhow, back to the images of Earth.. Biblical stories of floods....Prophecies of floods to come, I viewed a simple colourful image, an image of two Earths - side by side - one image predominantly coloured in shades of blues and whites the other ? a very baron looking Earth coloured in shades of reds and browns. They are two very different images... yet the same ?.... more to follow -
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:21:14 +0000

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