A WELCOME ADDRESS BY HON. CHIEF T.K.O. OKOROTIE, OFR, THE STATE COORDINATOR, GOODLUCK SUPPORT GROUP (GSG), BAYELSA STATE CHAPTER, ON THE OCCASION OF GSG’S GENERAL CONGRESS HELD ON THURSDAY 15TH JANUARY, 2015 AT IDIDIE HOTELS, EKEKI, YENAGOA Protocols It gives me great pleasure and with gratitude to Almighty God for me to once again welcome you to yet another great even of GSG as we hold our General Congress today in Yenagoa As you are aware, the State Chapter was formally inaugurated on 18th December, 2014 by a high-powered 10-man team of officials from GSG’s headquarters in Abuja. In spite of the yuletide season, the chapter has held several meetings of the State Executive Committee and the caucus. Today, we shall undertake a final verification of the actual number of functional Support Groups of Mr. President to be coordinated by the Goodluck Support Group (GSG), Bayelsa State Chapter. Our core mandate is to coordinate all support groups that are registered with GSG Abuja. The list of the groups running to one hundred and eleven (111) was handed to us by the Abuja team on the 18th December, 2014. Some of the groups are national in character but we are to relate with the Bayelsa State Chapters only. One of the tasks to be accomplished today is to finalize the integration of of the various functional NGOs in the state with the main structure of the GSG. We shall also setup some committees as we strategize our campaign plans for the state. Let me make it clear at this juncture that our presidential candidate, His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, President and Commander-In-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is the best and most qualified to rule Nigeria at this stage of our National history. There are several reasons for this position among which are: 1. A remarkable record of achievements touching virtually every aspect of our national economy, made possible by the meticulous execution of the President’s Transformation Agenda for Nigeria. 2. The Jonathan Administration is the first national government in this country to present a documented development agenda from day one of his administration. In this direction, the federal government presented its impressive Report Card to the nation midway into his first term. 3. The outstanding achievements that Mr. President has recorded in his first term are enough reason for him to be given a well deserved second term, specially in the interest of continuity and uninterrupted development of the country. 4. The nation has a responsibility to show to the world that even those we consider as minorities have the right to leadership. 5. The re-basing of our economy which is today the largest in Africa among other positive foreign policy initiative makes Nigeria a key player in the world. Dear brothers and sisters, I am highly impressed with the unprecedented turnout of members of various support groups to this congress. This is a bold statement that Bayelsa State is ready to deliver 100% votes to our dear leader. I am particularly grateful to all non-indigenes from all parts of the country resident in Bayelsa State for their active participation in unity and peace to do the needful and that is to vote massively for Mr. President, the PDP flag bearer. Please be reminded that our role is to give active support to our great party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which has the main responsibility for delivering Mr. President for a second term. In this supportive role, we have to be active in the various wards, constituencies and local government areas throughout the state. Furthermore, we need to progress to the level of house to house campaign to assist our party cover all grounds. I welcome you once more to the congress meeting and wish us successful deliberations. God bless Mr. President, God bless the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Hon. Chief T. K. O. Okorotie, OFR
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:43:09 +0000

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