A bit of Jennifer, Blackwell and Bernie from Annihilate Me 2, Vol. - TopicsExpress


A bit of Jennifer, Blackwell and Bernie from Annihilate Me 2, Vol. 1. You can pre-order it here: amazon/Annihilate-Me-2-Vol-1-ebook/dp/B00MXL10A8. Enjoy! CHAPTER EIGHT Later that evening, after Blackwell and Bernie had had their way with me with hair, makeup, jewelry, and my dress, I looked into the mirror of our makeshift dressing room outside Barbara’s office, turned my head from side to side, and smiled up at Bernie. “You’re a master,” I said. “How in the hell did you get rid of those dark circles beneath my eyes?” “I told you,” Blackwell said. “He does it with voodoo.” “Actually, with concealer—a very good concealer.” “Don’t sell yourself short, Bernie. It’s not worth it. Own the magic you possess. Turn away from your self-doubt.” He lifted his head, and then he dramatically turned away from her. “You do it with spells,” she said. “With smoke and mirrors. With the supreme craft. I’ve never seen anything like it. Jennifer looked like shit when she sat down in that chair. And now look at her—a vision!” “Oh, thank you, Barbara,” I said. “Shush! You know you did.” “Ive been under a lot of pressure. I haven’t been feeling well.” “Shhh. Listen—Bernie is about to speak.” He put his hand to his chest. “I can’t tell you what all of this means coming from you. I mean….look at her in that dress. And those jewels. You did that. Not her, not me—you!” “It was a whim. That’s all—a mere whim.” “You cast your talents so easily into the trash. Why?” “I don’t know. I—I don’t understand my own creativity. The bursts of it I have—daily. Sometimes constantly, throughout the day. It can become too much.” “Then you must stare it down and own it.” She looked critically at me, and then back at Bernie. “It’s a work of art, isn’t it?” “It is. And now I have to wonder—do you have any limits?” “None that I can think of. But there must be some. I’m sure there are some. There have to be some. I just can’t think of any….” “Because you have none.” “Mon dieu. Others have whispered the same thing.” “Whispered? They should be shouting out your name!” “But people are cruel. They won’t do it because they hate me. They’re jealous of me. No one gives me credit. Ils refusent!” “Most people are awful. Remember the eighties? Horrible creatures. You know, out of modesty, I never told you this, but I made Madonna into the person she became, and what did I get for it? Nothing. Not even a liner note.” “But how do mean? Was it through makeup? Hair? Her multitude of accessories?” “I gave her the crucifix,” he said. Blackwell put the back of her hand over her mouth. “My God…. Her iconic crucifix.” “At least her CDs no longer sell.” “So they don’t. And it’s all because you no longer style her. You know it is!” “I—I don’t know. I can only guess….” “You know,” Blackwell said. “My daughters, Daniella and Alexa, return from university tomorrow. Maybe you could give them a cut and a color—and a crucifix. They each need one, but for other reasons.” “Anything to help.” “They need the demons cast out of them, Bernie. I’ve tried to do so, but I’ve failed. But you—you could do it.” “I can only try….” I rolled my eyes at both of them. Whenever they got together, it was like they were verbally cuddling each other. “OK, people,” I said as I pushed back the chair I was sitting in and stood before them. “Let’s end the lovefest. Mama needs to get ready for her new gig.” “So, selfish,” Blackwell said. “I appreciate all that you and Bernie have done. You know that. But Alex is expecting me in ten minutes. I need you both to have a good look at me before I leave.” “Fine. Turn around. Let us judge.” Thankfully, I passed inspection. “Thank you, Bernie,” I said, with an air kiss on each cheek. “I never could do this without you. You know I’m in your debt.” “You should be wallowing at his feet.” I turned to Blackwell, and swallowed that one. “And thank you, lovey. The dress is, as you say, divoon.” “It’s beyond divoon. You’ll knock them dead.” Given the challenges ahead of me, I had only one thought: Let’s hope I do just that.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 19:10:10 +0000

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