A boy and a girl Part 3 The mom found the girl dead on her bed - TopicsExpress


A boy and a girl Part 3 The mom found the girl dead on her bed one morning. It wasn’t the time and place for coroners and newspapers so I suppose the mom decided it was natural causes. She pulled the far end of one of the blankets and the girl tumbled toward the floor and its impending-ness. Thunk! “Mom.. really..” “Wake up buttercup..” The girl came to life slowly and stared at her ceiling like it was some sort of puzzle she couldn’t quite figure out. She felt she should remember the something but what it was had slipped her mind completely. She then sat up and leaned against her bed and felt the pit of the forgotten something slide down to her feet. What to make of this day, she thought, what to make of Sundays. She had attended church when she was younger but her mom and her just stopped going. It wasn’t intentional, it just became less and less till it was no more. Knock knock.. The boy on the other hand was already up and adam this morning. When he was 9 he started running 3 miles a day on his mother’s forgotten treadmill. He just did this and this was his routine, much like a habit and less like exercise. He just woke up.. put on shoes and wandered to the next room. Fitness was just a sense to this boy, like hearing or seeing.. the thump of his feet gave order to his pulse and he jogged in this manor most mornings. Knock knock.. “Hey.. door’s open..” “Does your mom exist in bathrobes?” “Kinda.. she works a lot.. and deserves the lazy-ness” From down the hall.. “I can hear you honey.. and remember to keep your door open..” The boy looked out the corner of his eye and rolled his check in an intentionally odd expression at the comment. “Do you wanna go to church with my mom?” The girl in another intentionally odd expression wrinkled her nose an jeered her eye’s in a confused sort of way. “I’m grounded..” “And you can’t go to church?” “I’m very grounded.. homework thing.. but it’s Easter.. Jesus came back today..” The girl shrugs her shoulders.. “Sure” The Girl didn’t mind the idea of a God centered universe and with exceptions to men that traveled by fish, excepted such things. She did this like she would a fairy tale or space aliens. They could exist, they didn’t bug her at all. She believed in dragons too.. and werewolves.. and the lot of other scary creatures. She just was a spiritual sort. She wore beliefs like the covered things she dressed herself with. She found the more things were explained the less interesting everything else became. She crept out of bed every Christmas midnight regardless of Santa’s appearance.. and it was probably best because he would have found a little girl had eaten his cookies and was sipping his milk. She would just sit in a chair and stare at the Christmas everything. Her mother would leave one of the twirl-lied, candled, manger’ed scenes going and she would just watch the ceiling while the light moved about the room. She knew where Christmas came from, but this was her Christmas and Santa could join if he liked. The girl met the mother of the boy in the hall between their apartments. She watched the boy trudge to his homework and then went on her way with his mother. Then just moments later.. she remembered what she had forgotten.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 02:19:15 +0000

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