A comment I just placed on the youtube video (link below)... I - TopicsExpress


A comment I just placed on the youtube video (link below)... I messed this up about 4 or 5 times (The script below) now that I have been in court for civil and criminal matters, resulting from me exercising rights I knew the police were ticketing and arresting for, and courts were imprisoning and convicting for.... because I know what the law says, and what it is for: To promote the general welfare and secure individual rights for all people equally, and above all other concerns. That is the purpose of govt. and law. So with no victim willing to testify under penalty for perjury (lying) you infringed on their equal rights by causing them harm, injury, loss, or detriment of some sort against their will... then it is a crime for any public servant to make or enforce any order or legislation upon any one against their will when there is no alleged victim (which cannot be a legal fiction/corporation that does not live, and think rationally (with reason and logic), nor a minor or mentally incompetent person. Here is what I SHOULD say (and plan to next time, but when being arrested I MUST make sure that my important papers NEVER leave me, as once impounded I wont have them in court)... ----------- WHEN MY NAME IS SPOKEN... STAND, and say: I am the beneficiary of that account, I reserve all rights, and do not consent to these actions against me which seem to violate the written purpose of the supreme Law and state government... Therefore I must ask some questions in order to comprehend (not under-stand/stand-under), the nature and cause of the actions and accusations against me... 1) Are we on the record and how can I get a copy? 2) Before you (judge) entered the duties of your current office, did you swear an oath to support and defend the constitution for the United States of America and the state of Arizona, against all enemies foreign and domestic? 3) Can you remember it well enough to recite it for the record? 4) Does the U.S. Constitution state its purpose to include: Promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty for We the people? 5) And does the Az. Constitution state the purpose of govt. is: to protect and maintain individual rights? 6) Is there a living and thinking victim in this case willing to testify under penalty for perjury that I have infringed upon their rights and harmed them in some way against their will? 7) If not, or if the victim is a fiction that cannot be faced, think, be punished for perjury, or testify... then how do these actions against me serve any legitimate govt. purpose when the only purpose of the Arizona govt. is to protect individual rights? 8) The only living party to this case being caused actual harm against their will is myself, so how does that NOT clearly violate the purpose of govt.? 9) Is your honor aware that if you violate my reservation of rights that I can hold you personally liable in a civil suit for acting outside your limited jurisdiction as a public servant, for violating your oath.... I can notify your bonding company (found at secretary of state) and place a lien on your bond requiring you to be suspended from office... I can use the notary protest process to have you removed from office for violating the public trust which is your oath and contract... and I can compose a Grand Jury of 12 people to return a true bill and force the courts to proceed with criminal prosecution because the US Supreme court has ruled the Grand Juries are not under the control of the govt.? 10) Since Blacks Law dictionary defines fictitious plaintiff to be contempt of court, citing court rulings as a source, then how is this court and/or prosecutor not committing contempt of court by having the state as the plaintiff? 11) And how is there not a conflict of interest having the plaintiff, judge, and jury all paid by the state and under the control of the states rules of court, evidence, and jury instruction? 12) Why are the seals and plaintiff and defendant not written as proper nouns when the law of the Arizona Constitution specifically requires that, in article 28 (English as official language), Art. 22 (official seals), and when you can see plainly in the U.S. Govt. printing manual that English only allows first letter capital proper names/nouns for all humans/natural persons and govt. units? 13) Once jurisdiction is challenged, havent the courts ruled many times that it must be proven on the record before proceedings can continue, and that all official/administrative actions must have proof of jurisdiction on their face? 14) Isnt it true that an unconstitutional act is not a law, but a crime to make or enforce, as stated in cases like Norton v. Shelby county in the US Supreme court? 15) And isnt it treason to take or refuse jurisdiction wrongly as stated by the US supreme court in Cohens v. Virginia? And finally: I demand this case be dismissed with prejudice for lack of lawful, constitutional jurisdiction. (You may want to demand dismissal with prejudice at every time when you make a point that may warrant it) There are more, I am working on them, and you dont need all of them. Decide as you go which you should say, but COMPREHEND THEM! Harley Davidson Borgais freeornottobe.info - https://youtube/watch?v=9sfN_UDj9s0
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:00:40 +0000

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