A couple of items my friends. I wanted to convey this last night - TopicsExpress


A couple of items my friends. I wanted to convey this last night but it got lost in the Facebook broadcast machine. President Obama (among other alternate-reality devoid-of-truth elements he spewed last night) professes to be the champion of equal pay for equal work for women. Did you know the White House female staff make 88 cents to every $1 paid to equivalent male staff. Check the facts and wake up to the reality that the Republican War on Women is a Democratic myth foisted on gullible voters who eat it up. Yes, their are retrograde idiots in both parties, but please dont perceive this President of a champion of either working people or women. He is lying through his teeth to position his party for another win. Do you really expect Republicans to stand when he comes up with this stuff? Secondly, Seth Rogan is a pot addled poor filmmaker who will never receive another dime from myself or my family. Such blatant anti-freedom (and it extends beyond America and into criticism of all decent democratic governments worldwide)remarks as he and Michael Moore have made concerning Chris Kyle and American Sniper should be viewed as the worst of insidious, idiotic behavior, as reprehensible and destructive as denying the holocaust. In our free country, made free by heroes like Kyle, these fools have the right to say these things, but they should be chastised severely both by social condemnation and box office avoidance. Finally,Hollywood experts are astounded by the success of American Sniper because they do not even begin to grasp the depth of patriotism and true embrace of American ideals by the substantive heartland of the country. They dont get it because they are decadently separated from such values. They disparage courage, duty and patriotism because they have none. They are as out of touch as those who believe Islam does not embrace the oppression of women and others rights. Of course audiences embrace American Sniper, Lone Survivor and Band of Brothers because they hunger for great stories that counter balance the decades long Hollywood distain for the military and the exercise of American power however positive.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:37:08 +0000

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