A few days ago I wrote a kind of poem on depression a demon that - TopicsExpress


A few days ago I wrote a kind of poem on depression a demon that controlled my life for a long time . After watching Australian story today and hearing yet another tragic loss and now the news of Ian Thorpe I feel as a person that been as low as you can get and always worries that one day it might find me again I feel passionate that the best way to win is to be open about the pain . Each time now when I feel bad I think about do I have a legitimate reason to be upset or is it some thing worse . Being sad from broken heart lost one , stress or grief are normal human traits and I accept I cant control that pain straight away . For those unhappy just because you are please talk to your doctor , life line or beyond blue . If any one wanted to talk to me about how for the most part I over came this disease I more than happy to talk about it as its also a way I feel I say a step ahead of it . Depression kills and ruins lives so if you are not coping with life there is a way out !!!! This disease doesnt not care about your wealth , your looks your fame or your failures it does look for trigger points to get on top of you and is indiscriminate in its hate . My first point is dont feel guilty for being sad its not your fault !!!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:08:08 +0000

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