A game idea Id like to share and on which Id like to get your - TopicsExpress


A game idea Id like to share and on which Id like to get your feedback. London is the setting. You can be anyone doing anything. Right now you just refer to my character, who doesnt need fleshing out, statting up, or finer details. He or shes just a character in London. Perhaps a tourist, maybe a worker, possibly a criminal, potentially a child. Whatever you are, youre in London and youre doing something. Visiting the British Museum, riding the Tube, walking your beat, running your shop, coming home from school. Then the air raid sirens start going off. You didnt know the city still had them. People panic. Theres a mad, unbridled chaos as some rush for buildings, others stand in the street looking upwards, some flee for the London Underground, others clutch close to their families, most just look confused or refuse to fall for this prank. Then the sirens stop. Theres silence. And then the bombs hit. Multiple nuclear attacks across London (and possibly beyond). You roll a die. 9 - 10 means you survive, somehow. 7 - 8 means youre alive, but injured. Any other result means youre dead. Maybe vaporised, possibly crushed by rubble, potentially trampled by the panicking mob. If you die, you move on to your next character. Another life, another scenario in London in the last few minutes before the bomb, another chance at survival. Each death highlights the fragility of life. Each death hammers home the theme of the game. This happens until the group comprises Survivors. Now meat can be added to the bones created when you first started playing your character. Now you can begin to construct the character you want to play out of the framework of the Survivor with whom you just spent a few traumatic minutes. Your character can gain stats at this point, as the game begins. The Survivor characters must now group together in the wake of the devastation, in what is likely an episodic game. The first episode would cover the initial hour following the blast, trying to get the group somewhere, anywhere safe from the destruction of London, frequent hazards present, not to mention the imminent fallout. The subsequent episodes would likely be the same day, maybe even the week immediately following, but as the game goes on episodes can be a month, months, or even a year ahead. The Survivors would need to survive in a post nuclear wasteland, brave the environmental dangers, the instability of the grossly devastated city, somehow find nourishment, nutrition, and a reason to live. Ultimately they will have to survive the fallout, the worst of humanity that follows a disaster, and maybe remake a semblance of civilisation. The army never comes. The all-clear never sounds. All communication is down. Is this the way the world ends? If you can leave London, where do you go? This game would be more akin to James Herberts Domain, and Threads, than Fallout or Gamma World. This isnt a game of whacky mutations or talking animals. This is a game of rabid beasts, humans afflicted with terrible radiation sickness, and unstable society. Its also a game about exploration, and hope. Locations visited in the initial scenes can be fleshed out. The GM can add to the deceased characters we barely glimpsed. Whenever a Survivor dies, the player has to create a new character set just prior to the time the bombs drop. How you survived is possibly the most important part of your character now the world has fallen apart. Id love to hear your thoughts.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:59:32 +0000

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