A great deal has been written in the past week about the new EPA - TopicsExpress


A great deal has been written in the past week about the new EPA emissions standards for Carbon Dioxide. Predictably, the coal industry has squealed and screamed (to anyone who would listen to them and still treat them as even remotely trustworthy, i.e. the industry’s captive media in West Virginia) that the new regulations mean the end of coal as we know it; that President Obama has launched yet another salvo in the “War On Coal;” that Appalachia will lose thousands upon thousands of jobs. Needless to say, the coal industry is, once again, as it has throughout its long and tormented relationship with Appalachia, lying. Remember, this is an industry that said of the poisoning of nine West Virginia counties’ water with a coal-washing chemical If it’s good enough to wash coal, it’s good enough to wash me. More importantly for people living in communities where Mountaintop Removal coal extraction takes place, the new emissions regs have no meaning at all... ...the next time you see someone from the coal industry or one of their wholly-owned-subsidiary politicians crying great crocodile tears about the “War On Coal,” just remember: they’re crying all the way to the bank, and they’re cashing checks written in the bitter tears of an agonized Appalachia. And by-the-way: the A.C.H.E. Campaign needs your help. This is a genuinely grassroots effort that receives no financial help from any of the big greens. We rely on your goodwill contributions to keep going. If we could get 1,000 people to use the Donate button next to this post and subscribe for as little as $5 per month, we could make the kind of progress that leads to relief for those suffering under mountaintop removal’s remorseless lash.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:05:00 +0000

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