A legend dies and theres a predictable outpouring of public - TopicsExpress


A legend dies and theres a predictable outpouring of public emotion and opinion... every media source blares its version of the untimely and tragic event. Titanic portions of emotion unveil as people mourn an endeared persons life and passing--each embracing that person and their legendary status. Obviously, Im referring to none other than Robin Williams. That being the case... what Im about to say will likely be unpopular. However, while I wont claim I dont care what peoples reactions are... cuz I do indeed care to some degree. I will say just the same, that, in this instance, I cant concern myself with those that dont agree with my stance. I can say til Im blue in the face that my intention here is NOT to offend, still some will find this offensive. I can proclaim repeatedly that I didnt set out to be callous or unkind. But some will still likely remark that Im being just that. I dont mean to not have an aire of understanding for a gentleman afflicted with a level of emotional trauma that caused him to slam the brakes on his very existence. I have no idea what he must have felt to allow himself to kill himself. And dont mis-understand... I LOVED Robin Williams as much or even more than any of you reading this. He was a treasure with both comedic capacity as well as an aptitude and skill set on par with Hollywoods finest actors. Good Will Hunting is among a small handful of my all time favorite movies... and thats mostly due to RWs contribution to the film. Awakenings is another unbelievably great film which provided clear evidence of his acting range and depth. But Im sorry people... RW passing is NOT about what he contributed to our lives in the form of entertaining us. Its about what he TOOK from his wife and children!! He killed himself... and while exceedingly tragic and sad... is also equivalently SELFISH and COWARD!!! If you are married, and ESPECIALLY if you have a child... it AINT just about YOU any more. Its about them as well!! I mean do you honestly think if he would have announced to his wife or daughter that he had made plans to end his life that they wouldve granted him permission. Of course not, its ridiculous to even consider... but then to go ahead and make that decision anyway... leaving a tsumnamis worth of devastation, bewilderment and grief for those that loved and cared about you. I know, I get it... he was a tortured soul on some level, and probably felt he couldnt go another day in the agony he was immersed in...but Mr. Williams... were you under the impression that you were the ONLY one asked to carry such a heavy burden. Everybody, to a greater or lesser degree has unfathomable strife and challenges to face on a daily basis. And the vast majority of those same people hurting to that degree are not, have not, and probably would not EVER have even a fraction of some of the comforts and options you most certainly had at your disposal as a multi multi millionaire. I also grasp that money doesnt make you happy nor does it fix depression. But guess what... while that cliche is widely accepted... consider that if you have extensive financial means... you can get yourself about as comfortable as humanly possible on a daily basis... you can afford to distract yourself in any manner you see fit for as long as you like while your pain seems greatest. You can AFFORD to seek and attain the very best mental and physical doctor(s) that planet earth can muster. The point is, you have innumerable options at your disposal. Imagine a person with barely the means to feed himself, or keep himself warm, or take care of his family having to endure a similar dose of the pain Mr. Williams felt. How does THAT person find the strength to persist vs. a man with every option ever invented at his feet, and yet to selfish and blind to grasp that element and instead chooses a permanent solution to what was likely a temporary problem. As I said, I LOVED Robin Williams... and most everything he ever did... but now, Im more pissed at him and let down by him that he couldnt find some way to hang on, if not for himself, than for those that loved him. Im not saying Im right here... Im saying, this is how I feel about his passing... right or wrong. So there it is there.... I said it. On a softer note, I did indeed attempt to drink my milk with my finger this morning! Doh!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:28:05 +0000

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