A letter i just sent to Eckhard Eckhart - TopicsExpress


A letter i just sent to Eckhard Eckhart Tolle youtube/watch?v=WfIwrQ20KeU Hello Good Sir and all who stand with you I have little questions, for i am proceeding naturally towards the final moment of release where emotion will cease to disturb this mind, which is already awake, and hearing the Universe talking - i have experienced what you call the same consciousness within the apparent individual objects of the room, or perhaps what Buddhists call arupa jhana (absorption in the formless where the sense of self and otherness is not present - 4th Dhyana. I have not yet mastered myself to completion however, and still am suffering the dominion of emotion over thought, which causes me to react with wrong view of a self that does not inherently exist.. As you know, in Buddhism there are 4 imaginary categories of enlightened beings (for me you are either enlightened or not.. there are no such measurements outside of our minds. The Sotapanna, Sakitakami, Anakami, and Arahant. The Buddha was an Arahant. Arahants are more than just Awake, they are purified from all erroneous thoughts and emotions, and completely pure. They do not laugh, nor do they cry, they dont tell jokes, nor do they allow unelknlightened beings to build a mythos around them For this reason, i believe you haste only attained stream entry, but not Arahantship.. please dont stop where you are and not advance, you have come further than all living beings on the planet in this present time but are not yet an Arahant. If you were, you would know that 90% of the people who follow you are not with enough Indriyas and Paramee to really find the transformation portal as easily as you say it is. Your ease of transformation in that moment comes from thousands of accumulated lives all accumulating causes of enlightenment.. however easy it seemed to you, it is a falsity to say to all those not yet advanced enough practitioners that it is so easy once you did it.. It is only easy when you know how, and also, a man with no muscle can not lift the same weight as a man who has not developed his muscles yet.. I wish they could find it easy as you state, but they cant and they wont achieve much more than admiring you.. they are mostly still looking for salvation through a guru, instead of through their own merits and efforts and sufferings and realisations. I still admire your work and feel that the message is mnore important to spread, than to refuse the money making machine that has risen up around you in the same style as The maharishi yogesh, and the other hollywood salvation for rich middle aged maui residents and other well off persons Oprah Winfrey does what many of us do.. take Anatta and define it back through the lens of the Atta (seeing non self through the eyes of a self - analytical not spontaneous) To arrive at the point now and stop talking about my nonexistent self, i would like to ask you what you have to say about the following; You state often about what the universe wants (to become conscious through our eyes - Manifest itself) I see that too, and i hear it within me, i know the table or that which i pretend is a table is conscious - it just doesnt have a mouth to tell me, and wouldnt even if it did. I dont just agree with you, i know it is so, as i also have that tuned in already, but am waiting for the glowing coals and embers to finally douse out, even though the flames are extinguished, the coals must stop glowing before it is all gone.. the causes are gone, but the effects are still fading not yet gone. Now, in conclusion, i would like to add to your statement about the Universe; I sense the innocence of the Universe, the Purity of a Buddha Mind. The Buddha Mind is awake to the Universe. The resonance of the consciousness which permeates all there manifest and non manifest universe is the same as that of a Buddha Mind The Universe is Old, and it Knows what it is doing. But people might not realise, that the universe is also like a little child.. It is unborn and undying. As i was a child i would astral travel every night. i remember as i would lie in the grass paddock in the 2 acre garden we had (after flying out of the house window). I remember i knew without question and naturally accepted the universe and myself as a child of it But despite that state of being, being the higher state and that which allowed me to remember through all lifetimes and my time between lifetimes on the higher planes, i realise, that my unborn soul is pure and innocent like a baby Such is the nature of our omni-conscious sentient Universe, of which our consciousness is a connected part.. Could you contemplate please to add the fact of the purity and innocence which comes with full enlightenment? Or is it just Cosmic Consciousness what you teach? If it is Liberation, then purity is an essential ingredient which you never mention.. this is why i realise you are not an Arahant, rather, a Sotapanna. Fare Well good sir, and keep up the teachings of a Dhamma that needs no religion, adapted teachings for the modern era... may all beings attain liberation and may tyne Universe finally wake up through all of us! Best regards and well wishes Spencer Littlewood
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:39:07 +0000

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