A lot of people have asked me what my New Year’s resolutions - TopicsExpress


A lot of people have asked me what my New Year’s resolutions are. I said that I don’t make them, and my reason being that, I invariably don’t live up to them. But then I thought, “hey why not?” To not make resolutions as such, kind of flies in the face of what I bang on about all the time. I talk a lot about trying to improve ourselves, and if New Year’s resolutions help up to do that, then we totally should. I think if we arent in one of those black dark holes, and we are being self-reflective, then by making commitments to improving ourselves, we’re really just “fine tuning” our lives. And that can only be a good thing. So I do encourage you to share with close friends and family, those things that you would like to do better this year. Those things that will make you a better person, friend, lover and family member. Yep, it is likely that we will trip up again and again, but while we are genuinely trying, then we are making progress. Don’t be too hard on yourself for falling just a little short of the lofty goals you set for yourself. Just pick yourself up keep going. Ive said it already, but life isnt a time simply to be endured, it’s a time to contribute to everything and everyone around you. To at least try to make a positive difference in the world. I’m keeping my resolutions pretty simple… cut back on a few of the less healthy habits Ive gotten myself in to, exercise more and continue making progress on good things in my life, like honesty. They don’t have to be big or startling, they can be just part of fine tuning. Or they can indeed be massive changes. Either way, make some form of commitment to them, and get into life. Happy 2015 everyone. Live a life you are proud of. Be Better. Love Better.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:02:00 +0000

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