A lot of you that have been seeing my posts on Facebook the last - TopicsExpress


A lot of you that have been seeing my posts on Facebook the last few months about Plexus, probably think Ive gone crazy making such a big deal about that little pink drink all the time. Well, to understand where my passion comes from for Plexus you have to understand my story before Plexus. So here goes... In December of 2013, my husband and I had just about hit rock bottom. We have been married for over 17years now and all of those years, we have spent in ministry & serving others. Anyone who is familiar with working in the ministry knows that you dont do it to get rich. You do it because God has placed a call on your life to serve HIM and others. My husband has had to work a secular job for the last several years to make up the difference. He works for a therapeutic foster care agency. I have a teaching degree but I have felt strongly that I needed to be home with my four kids (I homeschool them) as much as I could, so I have found other ways to help bring in income. My sister and I started a Moms Day Out & Preschool at our church several years ago and I work there with my mom & sister 3 days a week. On the days that I am not working at the church, I babysit to add income. My husband and I also clean the local dance studio so that our girls can continue to do what they love. We do all of this along with all of our responsibilities of being the associate pastors at New Life in Spanish Fort. I said all that to say that we are not lazy people. We work hard- very hard... And here we were last December feeling completely hopeless. We were in a situation where we were about to lose our home and we couldnt afford Christmas for our 4 children. We were both at a very low point to say the very least. At this same time, I had been having issues with my blood sugar again (I had been a diabetic when I was 30 before I had gastric bypass in 2006). I had also been talking with my friend Casey Brown mainly because she was looking for someone to help keep her little girl, Avery. Well, I was always looking for a way to generate more income so I was offering to keep Avery for her. Little did I know that those conversations with Casey would lead me to not only a beautiful new friendship but that it would begin to change my life. Casey introduced me to Plexus for me to get help losing weight & getting my blood sugar back under control and then she began to talk to me about what all was possible with the business side of Plexus. I began to feel a little hope creep back in. I dove right in with the products and then began working the business side. I will never regret that decision and I will forever be grateful to Casey for setting in motion the thing that is going to one day bring me & my family financial freedom. We need that freedom so that we can serve others more freely. Its very difficult to encourage & minister to others when you feel hopeless. I know our only hope is found in God but Im convinced that He is using Plexus to bring that hope of a better future to my family. I will be the first to admit, I am working hard and all my problems are not magically gone yet. We still struggle to pay all our bills and buy food each week for a family of 6. I still drive a 13 year old minivan that you can hear coming a mile down the road and that I pray that we make it to where we are going safely every time I drive it. We have problems, but I also know two other things- 1. God knows! 2. I am going to rock Plexus! Every month that Ive been working my Plexus business, I am better off than I was the month before! My paychecks are growing! So, if you are going through some of the same situations that I am and you are looking for a way to make things better for your life either health wise or financially, you should seriously consider giving Plexus a try! Its a $34.95 investment into something that could truly change your life!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:45:19 +0000

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