A lulzworthy exchange in my message box. ; ) ayson - TopicsExpress


A lulzworthy exchange in my message box. ; ) ayson Leary Mr.Maslow, Okay, I acknowledge that you are not seeking to rewrite Shakespeares plays , you are seeking to use them as a literary template for absurd summaries . Yes, I acknowledge that difference . Now, with regard to the approval you extend to the use of the pejorative term tard : a term of disdain that is used in reference to people who have neurological handicaps , that you, Mr.Maslow , defend that practice by pointing out that opposition to that practice is pedantic , is indeed a red flag from the very start . Pedantry is good . Pedantry is accuracy . The tendency to be against pedantry is characteristic of dilettantism . A scholarly approach to any issue demands a pedantic (accurate) approach , NOT the literary license of the relativists . Indeed opposition against the pedantic is characteristic of the type of passably cerebral , yet NOT scholarly nor perspicacious,ANTI-intellectualism that is all so popular with the MTV and Twitter generation and all so popular in the era of lowered standards of discourse that is the era of MTV and Twitter . The tendency to *reject* pedantry is often offered as a tacit invitation to play fast and loose with discourse, a tacit invitation to equivocate , to embrace internally contradictory / mutually exclusive notions ....wherein such muddled thinking is often whitewashed with cutesy misnomers such as paradox , thinking outside the box , and other misnomers and new-speak . Indeed , one cannot be so liberal that one is no longer liberal ---that sort of turn of phrase is misleading for it contains an internal contradiction as well as a possible equivocation . Equivocation in discourse is never acceptable ---it is indeed every whit the fallacy it seems to be ...no matter how popular the flaky pop culture of the current era has made it .Furthermore, verbally denouncing the trendy new pop culture practice of using a derivative of the word retarded as a term of derision, is NOT Orwellian .No person has ever had the civil rights of free speech violated by verbal criticism alone , no matter how vehement . I do NOT advocate arresting , nor subjecting to physical violence those who use with approval the term tard as a term of derision , I merely seek to verbally instill guilt in them . Hence, it is not Orwellian to merely verbally denounce the practice . Words alone ---no matter how vehement---do NOT violate the civil liberties of anyone , when there is no physical threat involved .1 hour ago · Sent from ChatAnthony Maslow Thank you, professor. I can see why you would be so vehemently against the vilification of the practice and characteristics of pedantry. I honestly dont think Ive ever met a person who attempts to teach in so condescending a manner as you.Its a gas, I am now positive that you are a fun person in social settings. Alas, I get the distinct impression that you over-estimate your own intelligence and education, and severely underestimate my own. Oh, you no doubt have some concepts to impart, yet, somehow I count myself incredibly lucky not to be required to attend any of your classes. You could use a little of jazz in your repertoire, because youre as stuffy as a cliche, my friend. Did you have any children that lived through your lectures? And you are disingenuous to boot. You know damn well I meant Orwellian in the sense of NuSpeak, far more so than the thought police, or the arrest and shredding of any civil liberties. For a pedant, you sure dont pay much attention to detail, do you? At least not anyones detail but your own laborious, swollen thought processes. Anyway, professor, cheers! I await your response with baited breath. ...25 minutes agoAnthony Maslow Also, to anyone but a back muhfuka like you, the phrase I used about being to liberal to be liberal, is incredibly easy to understand. Its MEANT to make use of the internal contradiction. Didnt you ever read any poetry past the 1600s? I used a very simple conceit with the liberal line. One so learned and dusty with so much knowledge as you, good professor, should surely be able to grasp the evolution of writing techniques such as the simple little ditty I made use of.20 minutes ago
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 21:52:10 +0000

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