A man can be judged by his words but when it comes down to it he - TopicsExpress


A man can be judged by his words but when it comes down to it he is mostly judged by his actions. You can bullshit till your blew in the face and sell sand to a camel, but at the end of the day how much of what you have said or claimed is honestly true? Do you honestly stand my what words you claim to be your values and life choices? This is the dilemma of the average person in todays world. For it seems so few actually stand by what they say, and it truly is a shame. For we are far from the best of humanity, and we have the potential to be so much more.....so as you end this day, if your mind n heart can even comprehend such wisdom, sit n reflect for a moment; are you who you want to be? Do you really stand by what you say? And even more so do you follow what you believe in? Because I rather be a outcast then a shadow of a pebble in this clouded world we choice to live in.....how bout you? - food for thought-
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:56:34 +0000

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