A note to my friends Left and Right: Nicolas Kristof left a small - TopicsExpress


A note to my friends Left and Right: Nicolas Kristof left a small town in Oregon and went on to excel as a journalist. Those of you who gorge on Fox News and never left small towns for the big city, probably think of guys like Nicholas and me as elitest, liberal assholes. But we go home, and we see the (now) men of our childhood struggle with jobs, and health and to make sense of the world. The Koch Brothers fund much of the right-wing propaganda and politics that is polluting Americas political discourse and governance and now they own the paper mill in Wauna, Oregon, and last I heard, were/are determined to break the union out there. How ones life turns out, and the make or break moments along the way, can turn on many things. Access to good paying jobs and adequate health care are two biggies. Continually cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans, trying to gut Obamacare and reducing the size of government - all current obsessions of the GOP - really only makes sense for about 1,000 families in America. Im pretty confident that none of them are linked to me on Facebook. We all know a Kevin Green and our hearts break. Where’s the Empathy? - NYTimes
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 17:11:12 +0000

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