A number of years ago a neighboring church was desiring to open - TopicsExpress


A number of years ago a neighboring church was desiring to open their fellowship circle to another group of like precious faith. This had not been the case for quite some time and we were all hungry for some new faces in the fellowship meetings. At first their worship just seemed to be like so over the top and at first glance one would think they were genuinely in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. One word could describe what we all thought was happening since this new group had begun participating periodically within the circle and that could only be described as having KABOOM church! I began to have some doubts though, when some good faithful sincere saints began feeling like their worship now for whatever reason was inferior and were wondering if they really loved the Lord as much as these newbies in the circle who were like the Energizer Bunny just up and at em from the moment the service started. But soon it became evident that they were worshiping their worship and they would get behind their speakers that came with them but not so much for other speakers that were in this fellowship circle. The scripture admonishes us not to be of those who compare themselves among themselves as they that do so are NOT WISE! When true worship is offered unto the Lord it is most attractive and it not only brings the presence of God into the meeting in a tangible way but it likewise will cause one to desire to engage in focusing upon the Lord of Glory and well get so caught up with him that we will forget that there is anyone else around, and that is the way it ought to be! Im not so keen on the word KABOOM, but then again I cant help but wonder if the the older generation that is now approaching their 70s and 80s probably werent so fond of some expressions we have used to describe what we were experiencing in our walk with God as well and so with that consideration I will try to adapt to using the word KABOOM from time to time! Whether God speaks and it is described as thunder or he speaks in a still small voice please dont miss the fact that GOD IS SPEAKING and that is a KABOOM moment if you please. If every service is a carbon copy of the one you described as a Kaboom service you just might be playing church rather than being the church. Did you notice I didnt say have church because I m so put out with our form and our fashion, dog n pony shows which is nothing more than fleshly shows of men worship and God slips out of the service unnoticed as he isnt much in demand as they figured out how to have church with out the HOLY SPIRIT! Im convinced if the rapture or the catching of the bride took place some would still be having meetings that they would describe as KABOOM! There was no miracles, signs, and wonders and Im for them more than some of you will ever know, but that day there was simply a stranger inquiring as to why the disciples of the Lord were so sad, and then they began to inform him as to the events of the past few days and there was no Kaboom in their conversation and when the stranger addressed them he called them fools and slow of heart now that is really going to make for a kaboom moment! I guess the stranger never read the book how to win friends and influence people, but he proceeded without apology by first opening the word unto them, then he made or pretended as he would go on his way and they constrained him who had spoken so matter of factly to them to come in and rest with them. And they went and prepared a bite to eat, I dont know how long it took but they went to the trouble to be hospitable and when they invited him to bless the meal lo and behold he showed how much he appreciated this gesture of kindness as KABOOM He vanished from their midst and they forgot the meal as well as they said, did not our hearts burn within us while we were walking by the way they were having a kaboom moment and didnt even know it! The time release capsule of what he had spoken was taking root in their hearts at this precise moment. His absence brought about their eyes being opened as to his identity as they were looking at the lamb of glory but not seeing the resurrected savior. Later that evening he would open their understanding but not before he taunted them with a request for some meat LOL and what is he going to do, disappear on us again! Im sorry I went so long but Im so tired of being entertained and calling that Kaboom BE DONE WITH THE FLUFF AND STUFF! Now lets be the church tomorrow morning and thru the remainder of the coming week rather than settling for Kaboom meetings, lets take it to the streets. KABOOM
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:35:10 +0000

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