A person who walks according to the modern current of this age is - TopicsExpress


A person who walks according to the modern current of this age is a walking corpse. He is like a dead leaf being carried downstream by the current in a river. Whereas a little fish can swim upstream against the current because it is alive and living, a leaf can only be carried downstream because it is dead and lifeless. (The Consummation of Gods Salvation, Chapter 2, ministrybooks.org) Ephesians 2:1 - And you, though dead in your offenses and sins, 2 - In which you once walked according to the age of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the spirit which is now operating in the sons of disobedience; 3 - Among whom we also all conducted ourselves once in the lusts of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the thoughts, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest; 4 - But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 - Even when we were dead in offenses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) 6 - And raised us up together with Him and seated us together with Him in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:39:15 +0000

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