A personal message and Thank you for all who have served, prayed - TopicsExpress


A personal message and Thank you for all who have served, prayed and sacrificed for our nation and our freedom. Including the freedoms reaped by others wherever they may be. With so many suffering from PTSD my heart goes out to you, your struggle continues after the battle as a personal battle within. PTSD recovery is not a one for all fix all, nor an easy button one can push but it is a disorder that you can recover from. Unless you met God at the altar, it will come from pushing through a dark hell hole (in a safe manner for all concerned) and facing the experience that is stuck there trying to find a suitable outlet to escape. Paul New Testament was a victim of ONE type of PTSD, after killing innocent Christians for the enemy he realized what he had done and suffered a great sorrow for actions he had taken that he could not take back. Personal guilt is one of the elements of PTSD that (to me) is the hardest to face and overcome but it can be overcome, you can be released from its torment and restored to a right place of standing as God did for Paul. No, God did not bring back the victims Paul had hit but he help Paul deal with his frame of mind and belief system when he took such actions and how he had been in a situation where it was necessary, was a required act and even when it was a personal choice Paul had made. When the truth set Paul free, Paul changed, his belief system changed, his thoughts changed, his actions changed. When that changed his burden and responsibility for those actions (taken in the old nature) changed. As a prior victim of PTSD (from two attacks within six months apart) one, we bounce back but two so close changed the bounce back effort and recovery was slow. However, after ten years of walking with its load on my back I have been PTSD free for over seventeen years now, PRAIS GOD. Those ten years was a time of analyzing each element I experienced as I walked through a small section of that darkness at a time (as I was able to cope). It was not something I would ever wish to experience again so I am not going to blow smoke at you but it is something I HAD TO DO TO FIND RECOVERY. Yes, it should be done in a safe place and you (if potential for violence) exist then safety for others must be accounted for and secured. Do not be offended for the request of certain setups that will provide safety and push your own healing closer. That may mean most of this might be accomplished ALONE but you are not LOST. Never allow the devil to tell you, you would be better off dead or gone. THAT IS A LIE, you would be better off healed and returned to a state to fulfill your purpose here on earth that God has created you for. The devil wants to keep you damaged or to take you out before you can get healed. Never listen to they would be better off if you were gone, THAT IS A LIE they would only be better off when you are healed and returned to the family healthy. This may or may not be true to some small extent depending on the destructive nature and its affects on those around you. You are very valuable, very loved and just in a place that needs healing, personal and public understanding to get through it. Sometimes this can be accomplished via internet if you could find someone who can hear the negative side affects and allow you to get it out as it is (when them knowing how to determine when the situation may be dangerous to you or others and when you just need to express those thoughts). The point is that you get it out so you can deal with it. There are many aspects or types of elements that PTSD develops from. Depending on your own personal constructs, belief system, cultural values, environmental influences, where you stand in a current cultural/training community or in the previous cultural/training communities you have been a part of. For me, it was as a victim, but in God, not all I have suffered has been as a victim but as an offender as well...some times it was situations like Paul that I had to deal with from actions I had taken myself. When the realization of truth hits home and you realize that YOU did those actions regardless of whether they were big or small they were against all that you believed in to be correct, acceptable, moral, etc. When does the reality of truth come? When you cross over from some learned behavior, training or fall from grace and you mature in your human nature to a point you can see the error of your actions from the past or present, that is when the truth reveals itself you have seen the power of truth in its purest form working from Gods innate blueprint of your creation. As a soldier, I imagine you probable have suffered from both the victim and offender forms of PTSD. It does not make it harder to recover it just means you are working from two positions instead of just one. Everything that goes in must come out in some shape, form or fashion. Every seven years we as humans get a cleaning of a sort with the changing of our taste, likes, feelings, etc. When we walk with God, we start as a baby feeding on milk and as we mature we grow to feed on the meat of the word of truth. In the mist of that growth, we are changing, some hard, some not so hard changes are occurring and it is important that we get through it, not around it or escape it or even ignore it. It is not going anywhere until we deal with it no matter how many times we push it to the back, its nature is to continue to look for the outlet that it can process through (behavior or thoughts) so that it can process. When it is processed then it will diminish or retreat. Now it helps when God leads the way and we just need to follow and allow the restoration to occur. I cannot tell you how yours developed or how it will be defeated but I can tell you, you can defeat it and that most people around you will not understand what you are walking through and probably will be in FEAR of (not you) but of the unknown they are encountering within you. That does not mean it is bad or wrong as it will take many forms as it begins to release and they will not be in the form of normally accepted thoughts or behaviors and THAT IS OK. The only time it is not is when your perception of reality creates the illusion that you are in danger or that you need to harm others to protect yourself. The truth, when we step out of the norm it creates fear in those around us and then it sets off a major fear within us as we encounter the behavior of those around us. Learn to determine when that fear is simply from encountering the unknown and not a fear that requires them to harm you in some manner and when it might really signal a fear that requires protection. 99% of the time it is a fear of the encountered unknown and can be diminished before it escalates to a harmful situation. GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND MAY GOD DELIVER YOU UNTO HIS FREEDOM.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:49:00 +0000

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