A powerful speech at the UN Watch, turning again and again at the - TopicsExpress


A powerful speech at the UN Watch, turning again and again at the media circus the UN has become. I took the time to transcribe the speech, to draw the attention to the validity of its every single word. Sixty years ago, in the aftermath of the Nazi war horrors, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rene Cassin and other eminent figures gathered to reaffirm the principle of human dignity. They created the commission of human rights. Today we ask: what has become of this noble dream? Faced with compelling reports from around the world about the torture, persecution and violence against women, what has this Counsel pronounced, what has it decided? Nothing. Its response has been silence. Its response has been indifference. It’s response has been criminal. One would say that it has become a “do nothing”, “good for nothing” counsel, but it would be inaccurate. This Counsel, after all, has done something. It has enacted one resolution after another, condemning one single state: Israel. Hamas and Hezbola have been granted immunity. The entire rest of the world, millions upon millions of victims in 191 countries continue to go ignored. So, yes – this Counsel has done something, and the Middle East dictators who orchestrate this campaign will tell you that it’s a very good thing, and that they seek to protect human rights, Palestinian rights. So, too – the racist murderers of the Darfur women, the rapist of the Darfur women, tell us they care about the rights of the Palestinian women, the occupiers of Tibet care about the occupied, the butchers of Muslims in Chechnya care about the Muslims. But do these self-proclaimed defenders truly care about the Palestinian rights? Let us consider the past few months. More than 130 Palestinians were killed by the Palestinian forces. That is 3 times the combined total that was the pretext for calling the special sessions in July and November. Yet the leaders of the Palestinian rights say nothing. Little 3-year old boy, Salam Balusha, and his 2 brothers were murdered in their car by the Palestinian Prime Minister troops. Why has this Counsel has chosen silence? Because Israel can’t be blamed. Because, in truth, the despots who run this Counsel couldn’t care less about Palestinians or any human rights. They seek to demonize the Israeli democracy, to delegitimize the Jewish state, to scapegoat the Jewish people. They also seek something else: to distort and pervert the very language and idea of human rights… You ask what has become of the UN Counsel founders’ dream, who have assembled here, in Geneva 60 years ago. With terrible lies and moral inversion this Counsel is turning this link into a nightmare.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:42:43 +0000

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