A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the - TopicsExpress


A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. – Proverbs 22:3 AGENDA 21 / SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - WATCH OUT... ITs COMING!! The Heart of Evil Revealed – Fritz Springmeier on the Weekend Vigilante Show... Like you, I spent most of my life not really believing that true evil walked among us. Yes, I knew that it was out there, somewhere, and I knew that Satan was a really bad dude. But, it just was never really real to me. Unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of ignoring the true nature of evil, because it has plans for us. It wants you, your family and your friends… dead – or worse. It wants you asleep while it seeks to extract God from your life. And, because you have so little experience with such depravity, it’s hard to believe that it’s true. The Heart of Evil Revealed Fritz Springmeier on the Weekend Vigilante Show Truth is incredibly important to me. In fact, there is literally nothing in this world more important to me than truth. Because God is Truth. The problem is that there is so much untruth out there, that it’s actually hard to see what IS true. If you want to keep your understanding of the truth uncorrupted, you must be fanatically careful about what you call true. If you aren’t careful, you will find your ability to see clearly, obscured – or, even destroyed. This means that you must choose your sources of information very, very carefully. Even then, you should treat what comes from those sources with a healthy dose of skepticism. We are all flawed individuals, capable of sin and foolishness. And, that’s why none of us should be trusted completely. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. Except God. I say all that because I’ve been holding Fritz Springmeier at arm’s length for a couple years. I wasn’t sure about who – or what – he was, so I chose not to use him as a source of information. However, listening to him being interviewed by Sheila Zilinsky, has changed my mind, and I had no idea beforehand that Sheila was going to bring him on her show. The first part of the show was with Dr. Michael Coffman, and it was a great interview, all by itself. In fact, as I listened to it, I found myself thinking of the parallels between what he was saying and how the Soviets gained control of Eastern Europe after World War II. People often don’t realize that the Soviet Union didn’t just invade Eastern Europe. They were far, far more subtle than that. They set up a big domestic intelligence gathering entities and a system of laws and taxes that ground down the middle and upper classes. Within a few short years, Eastern Europe was under the direct control of Moscow. And, the Elites are following the exact same formula in the US – just a little more slowly. I would have written about that today, if Fritz Springmeier hadn’t come on – at the 86:54 minute mark – to talk about Mind Control and the Illuminati. The Heart of Evil Revealed – Fritz Springmeier on the Weekend Vigilante Show September 15, 2014 by John Little - OmegaShock | 0 comments Like you, I spent most of my life not really believing that true evil walked among us. Yes, I knew that it was out there, somewhere, and I knew that Satan was a really bad dude. But, it just was never really real to me. Unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of ignoring the true nature of evil, because it has plans for us. It wants you, your family and your friends… dead – or worse. It wants you asleep while it seeks to extract God from your life. And, because you have so little experience with such depravity, it’s hard to believe that it’s true. ————————————– The Heart of Evil Revealed Fritz Springmeier on the Weekend Vigilante Show Truth is incredibly important to me. In fact, there is literally nothing in this world more important to me than truth. Because God is Truth. The problem is that there is so much untruth out there, that it’s actually hard to see what IS true. If you want to keep your understanding of the truth uncorrupted, you must be fanatically careful about what you call true. If you aren’t careful, you will find your ability to see clearly, obscured – or, even destroyed. This means that you must choose your sources of information very, very carefully. Even then, you should treat what comes from those sources with a healthy dose of skepticism. We are all flawed individuals, capable of sin and foolishness. And, that’s why none of us should be trusted completely. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. Except God. I say all that because I’ve been holding Fritz Springmeier at arm’s length for a couple years. I wasn’t sure about who – or what – he was, so I chose not to use him as a source of information. Sheila Zilinsky – The Weekend Vigilante However, listening to him being interviewed by Sheila Zilinsky, has changed my mind, and I had no idea beforehand that Sheila was going to bring him on her show. Here’s a link to the show: Weekend Edition: The Weekend Vigilante & The Hagmann & Hagmann Report Dr. Michael Coffman The first part of the show was with Dr. Michael Coffman, and it was a great interview, all by itself. In fact, as I listened to it, I found myself thinking of the parallels between what he was saying and how the Soviets gained control of Eastern Europe after World War II. People often don’t realize that the Soviet Union didn’t just invade Eastern Europe. They were far, far more subtle than that. They set up a big domestic intelligence gathering entities and a system of laws and taxes that ground down the middle and upper classes. Within a few short years, Eastern Europe was under the direct control of Moscow. And, the Elites are following the exact same formula in the US – just a little more slowly. Fritz Springmeier I would have written about that today, if Fritz Springmeier hadn’t come on – at the 86:54 minute mark – to talk about Mind Control and the Illuminati. To listen to the interview on YouTube, go here: Hagmann & Hagmann – 14 Sept 2014 – Weekend Edition youtube/watch?v=aLgj8whLNlg
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:27:31 +0000

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