A second Primeval fanfic, which I wrote in March :O Its a - TopicsExpress


A second Primeval fanfic, which I wrote in March :O Its a different version of the last one, so its Connor and Abby in the Cretaceous, but different stuff happens xP ..; Abby and Connor had been stuck in the cretaceous for almost a week now and there had been no sign of Danny or Helen or any anomalies. They were totally alone with no means of getting home again. At this precise moment in time Abby was off looking for fruit or fish or anything else she considered edible while Connor was trying to set up a camp fire for the night. Connor was failing at lighting the fire and just sending sparks everywhere. He threw down the twigs he was using in a huff. He put his head in his hands, this sucks, being stuck here in the cretaceous thought Connor grudgingly, it would be better if it wasnt so awkward between me and Abby now. Just as he was making a mental note to be honest with her, there was an ear-splitting scream. A scream that did not stop and only got more frantic and terrified. Connor jumped up, ABBY! he grabbed a small branch lying on the ground, which they used as a weapon, and sprinted in the direction of the screaming. Before Connor had found Abby, the screaming stopped. Oh god..ABBY!!! Connor did not stop running until he reached a clearing in the wood. He peered around the side of a tree. There was Abby, lying on the ground with a lot of blood around the lower half of her body. She was breathing, but could no longer scream. She was weak from all the blood loss. Next to Abby were two raptors, they were calling for the rest of their group to join them. Connor knew he only had minutes before more raptors arrived. He had no time to think of a plan so he jumped out from behind the tree and tore towards the raptors shouting, Over here, you bastards! The raptors charged at him, but he was pumped with adrenaline. He smacked one in the head with the branch he was still carrying. He turned to hit the other one, but it pounced, knocking him to the ground. The branch was pressed against the raptors neck, Connor pushed as hard as he could, slowly forcing the raptor backwards. When there was enough distance between him and the raptor, Connor kicked it hard in the stomach, forcing it away from him. He jumped up and quickly swung the branch at the raptor, knocking it out. The other raptor was still down. Connor dropped the branch and ran over to Abby. Abby? he put his hand on the side of her face, Abby? There was the sound of a raptors cry in the distance. Connor shook Abby by the shoulders, Abby? She groaned and opened her eyes, Connor, she breathed, unable to speak properly. The sound the raptors was getting closer, there was nothing for it, Connor was gonna have to carry Abby back to their camp. Abby? Weve gotta go, ok? Mm, Abby nodded. Connor picked her up; she was limp in his arms. Right. Connor began to run as fast as he could, the sounds of the raptors could be heard all around them. Abby was slipping in and out of consciousness; she was in a lot of pain and had lost a lot of blood. They reached the camp without running into any creatures. Camp was in the hollow centre of thorn bushes which grew all around in a sphere, so they were completely sheltered there. Connor laid Abby on the ground and rested her head on his knees. She grasped his hand in hers. Connor, she said quietly, I feel, I feel.... I dont know if I- If youre thinking youre about to die, youre wrong. Im not gonna let that happen. He reached across to his backpack, which he had left here in the rush to save Abby, and pulled out a medical kit. Inside the kit were loads of bandages and cleaning solutions for wounds. He removed his hand from Abbys, took off his jacket and made it into a stand in pillow and laid Abbys head on it. He lifted up Abby hoody to find a deep gash in her stomach. He cleaned up the wound and all of the others which were scattered around her body, in some cases he actually had to stitch up the wounds. If this had been anyone, he probably wouldnt have been able to do it, but for Abby he could do anything. While Connor had been fixing her up, Abby had passed out and when she opened her eyes, Connor was sat a very short distance from her and had the fire going. She tried to sit up, but groaned in pain. Abby?! Connor rushed over to her and laid her back down, how are you feeling? Dandy. Well, thats to be expected, smiled Connor. You saved me life..again. Had to didnt I. Then Id just be stuck her on my own, said Connor still smiling. Connor, I have to tell you something- No, me first, interrupted Connor, last year I may have shouted I love you over a cliff at you....well I did shout it, but I g- Abby raised her hand and placed it on his lips to stop him talking, Connor, shh. She lowered her hand and took hold of his, I remember what you said and I know you meant it. I shouldve then taken it upon myself to tell you that Im in love with you. Connor froze, wide eyed. Connor?...Connor?...Connor?! Yeah-yep...Oh my god! Abby smiled, Yeah. Oh wow, did not expect that. Abby laughed slightly. Connor suddenly looked thoughtful, ...That would explain why you kissed me. Yeah, yeah it would. Sorry I waited until I nearly got eaten by raptors to tell you- No, dont be sorry. Im just so happy to hear it! Connor pulled Abby up into a tight hug. Ah. Oh sorry, he said, releasing her and just holding her up by her arms. Connor.. Yeah.? Do I need to ask you to kiss me, or can you do it on your own? said Abby mockingly. Oh right! He leant forward and gently kissed her, she rapped her arms around his neck and his hands moved to her waist. They couldve been there for hours, who knows, who cares? They certainly didnt, they were just caught up in each. Who knew that a near death experience would bring them together... THE END Its so cheesy Im cringing XP haha ~Amelia
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 21:20:14 +0000

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