A side chick is commonly known as a mistress or a woman that’s - TopicsExpress


A side chick is commonly known as a mistress or a woman that’s romantically involved with a man who is in a committed relationship. However after doing some reflecting, I realize that’s not the only type of side chick. I want to discuss “the new side chick”–a woman who decides to stay by a man’s side after he has expressed his lack of relationship intentions with her through his words or actions. So many women have made this mistake at least once in their lifetime. I like to think of the new side chick as an appetizer. You’re there just to satisfy the immediate appetite of the man, but as soon as that mouth-watering entrée comes out to the table, you will get pushed to the side, literally. Why? Because that entrée is what he really wanted; he went to the restaurant to order steak, not hot wings. You were just a placeholder, fling, temporary commitment, or maybe even just a “good ol time” until what he really wanted was presented to him. I know I sound a bit harsh, but even I had to realize my then-reality for what it was. Simply put: you are not and will never be his Queen. The truth hurts, but it can only make you stronger. #Queens we need to learn to stop giving too much too soon. Proverbs 4:23 says“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything flows from it.” It’s impossible to guard your heart when you’re always giving it away. I think it’s beautiful that God created us to be nurturer and emotional. However, we are too quick to give away our time, body, money, and emotions to men who have not EARNit. A Queen will not have to audition her love to her King. Her King will already recognize her worth, virtues, and beauty. Stop giving away so much of you that you end up with nothing for yourself. Better yet, stop giving away so much that a man has nothing else to work for. At this point you’re an emotional wreck. You go out and try to fill that void of emptiness through other men, food, material things, etc, but always come up short. Queen, only GOD can fill you up after you have depleted yourself. Go to Him, not the world.many of you are or know someone who is holding on to relationships and ‘situationships’ that God never brought together. I want to challenge all Queens to step out on faith, trust God, and release that dead weight. For 2015, I challenge you to redefine your worth and standards according to who GOD says you are and to never accept any treatment that demeans you. Get that peasant off your throne and make room for the King that God wants you to build an empire with. Stop giving your body away to someone who’s not even giving you a real commitment. Stop cooking all of these gourmet meals for that man who can’t even take you out on a real date. Cut off the guy that keeps coming in and out of your life because he doesn’t know what he wants. Indecisiveness is a decision. Make the decision for him and let him go. Stop acting like an uber to some of these men who won’t even catch a taxi for you. Just because he sends for you, doesn’t mean you need to come. Pick up your crown and wear it with dignity and class. I know it’s easier said than done to cut off someone you have invested in and have feelings for, but that’s where your FAITH comes in. Is your trust in God or the “option” of men you “see” around you? God can show u that there are better men in this world. I know He’s introduced me to much better when I least expected it. If He did it for me, have faith that one day He will do it for you.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:33:58 +0000

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