A special thank you to our customer, Laura Hedges, for writing - TopicsExpress


A special thank you to our customer, Laura Hedges, for writing this poem and giving us permission to post it. Woodstock Farmer’s Market August 2, 2014 My family gathers round the table; bow our heads before we eat With grateful hearts to the farmers who made our meal complete Its early August and the produce is in full bounty Eating local makes me smile inside, this good food from Mchenry County Tonight its steak, potatoes, beans, and corn The food we purchased on the square just this very morn’ Plenty of memories we’ve made on our charming historic square And I enjoy promoting it in this orange tie dyed shirt I wear Tuesday we listened to the man who loves talking about his bees So tomorrow we’ll be eating sweet honey, blueberries, and some prairie pure swiss cheese Saturday was special; I brought the whole family along We relaxed and listened to the musician sing his country song After about 10 am the crowds they start to thicken Good luck finding farm fresh eggs or organic chicken The moms are strolling with their babes, and toddlers are dancing Ladies with bouquets of flowers and the dogs are out and prancing I stop and stare at my own kids climbing in the trees. They look down to me and ask for cider donuts, Please! If they behave, they know they get a special treat And I enjoy the time we spend each and every week. Sometimes I come to the market for some quiet all alone And other times we bring some friends to browse the booths and roam The market has become our way to plan the freshest meal My husband spied a sign $6 for a dozen ears of corn, Now that is quite a deal! We started going to the market right before I became a mother Now here we are with 3 sons, together they are the sweetest brothers What price can I pay for these precious memories we make? Healthy family that I love and delicious vegetables I bake The farmers work so hard and yet we get to eat the product of their labor Chemical free soap to wash my face and kettle corn for kids good behavior Have you tried to feed your kids some kale? Baked with salt and oil I’d never thought my kids would but they even love it fresh from the soil Beets, cabbage, jams, carrots, and snap peas There’s even salad dressing, landscape plants, and trees Whatever you are looking for; I’m sure the market will supply Summer is fading fast and another crop will come by Apples, pumpkins, mums, and gourds will be ample Don’t forget to stop by Laura’s kitchen and ask for a granola sample These are the things we love in our square The fun food we try and the people who work there For us it is easy to see why the market was voted best for this reason The people that grow and make these great things to share with us each changing season. We finish our meal, our stomachs so full, kids run from the table and race up the hall As I clear the dishes I thank God again for this feast and the farmer who helped grow it all
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:23:05 +0000

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